Friday, 14 March 2025

From JOHN B: ABYSS VIOLENCE: Oi their ours! (75pts)

Some more progress this week sees the culmination of AHPC14 (the idea of spaceships was born and the parts gathered in time to miss the 2023/24 painting window!!!) and AHPC15 actual homebuilds and more miscreants - of the small peoples this time round. It goes something like this...........the Surf Raiders scooted along the beach.
Suddenly they spotted some objects in the sands - LOOT!
Having landed Unbeknownst to them as they scoured the site for said LOOT they were not alone.
The Customs Militia Patrol Unit 404 (geddit!) skimmed the beach hunting for the miscreants better known as Surf Raiders. Finally they catch them.......
Caught red handed.
The Surf Raiders have no idea.........
Then out of the blue (actually - weird sunset) A Deep Mountain Bounty Unit appears - "Oi their ours" declare the DBM Unit.
There is a mutual stand off untill the Customs team agree to take the Bounty guys and the Surf Raiders to the local "Pen" for processing.
The Surf Raiders safely locked up in 404 the enforcement officials and bounty hunters pose for a "success shot".
It appears the Surf Raiders (from AHPC14) had not paid their dues on some dodgey acquisitions whilst having a price on their heads for various thefts. So ends the AHPC15 space adventures. Thats it for SciFi this year Folks! Over to the details. The Space vessel was conceived back during AHPC14! while this years figures have been acquired from magazine covers. One big blue space vehicle - a "Divoc" class unit for patrolling the extensive shorelines of Eraweb - an earthly planet orbiting the giant K2-18b (see the backdrop + see my previous spaceship post).
Needless to say, like the red vessel previously featured, this one started life as a milk bottle until covid spares and some transparent chocolate packaging joined up. Undercarriage are ubiquitous wooden clothes pegs. Lots of Blue Craft quality acrylics in various shades plus window wash of Citadel Nazdreg Contrast Colour.
The Customs Militia are a freebie of hobbits from Miniature Wargames while I think the Dwarves were free with Wargames Illustrated. I opted for bright clothing on the hobbits and used a mix of traditional and contrast painting. I had a bad moment with my current waterbased matt varnish. But then discovered Warhammer stock brush on water based varnish. So they got a coat of that. Still not happy though. I left the dwarves unvarnished and will need to investigate my varnish options again. With the Dwarves painting wise it was a wash of one of my many brown contrasts but diluted over a vallejo yellow ochre, then various odd mixes of which the pinky version I quite like but have no idea how I created it - hilarious. Basing are 1p UK coins with a 20 year batch of GW desert stones dressing. One last shot of the two freebie sets and the homebuilt space patrol vessel!
So although they are all squat they are technically 28mm scale.  Points tally is therefore:
Customs Divoc Class ship = 20pts 
Customs Militia = 4 x 5pts = 20pts 
Deep Mountain Bounty Hunters = 3 x 5pts = 15pts 
Lots of potential violence here - one careless trigger and its a three way blast! ABYSS Violence = 20pts Grand Total = 20+20+15+20pts = 75pts.  

 And still no steamy angles...... sorry Martijn.

I think we can forgive you the lack of steam power, John. These vessels are once again fabulous! I love your creativity in creating great models from "waste". It's been great to see your contributions throughout the Challenge, and I'll give you some scratch-building bonus points to bring you up to 80 points for this post. I hope we will perhaps see even more in the final week!



  1. That space vessel is great, the blue hull and yellow windows remind me of 1980s LEGO Space sets! I think I have played your story with Legos 40 years ago. :D

  2. As is often the case on here, it's a load of stuff I know nothing about, however, a great paintjob on those chaps and love the scratchbui ltships.
