Friday, 14 March 2025

From AdamW: Love is all around us (Faith, hope and Love) (30 points)

 My hat trick of Sphere entries this week is for the Fixed Stars of Faith, Hope and Love.

This 15mm scene is made up of figures I had bought a while ago from Donnington miniatures at Ancient and Modern Army supplies. So, again, it is another mini-project ticked off.

The scene fits the sphere in a few ways, but I see the loyal servant having 'Faith' his master will return safely from battle, The Knight having 'hope' that he will overcome the odds and win, and his faithful Irish Wolfhound 'loves' his master and awaits his return.

Points - As the hound is a part of the story I felt he must contribute a point, then we have the falcon with his hood on, so I thought I could combine the two to make one figure?

2 x15mm foot@2pts = 4pts
1 x 15mm mounted@4pts = 4pts
The Fixed stars bonus = 20pts

Total 28pts 30 points

Out with a bang, I say! Your final Friday circle is once again a gem, Adam. A lovely scene, well painted, and a nice explanatory story. I really hope to see more of these little vignettes next Challenge! Thanks for entertaining us with them, much appreciated.  I'll make it 30 points again.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Martijn. Appreciate all the kind comments.
