This week sees me finish my last of my current supply of Arthurians I'm already planning for a number of new units but I'm unlikely to get hold of these before the close of this year's challenge.
The batch includes 10 close order Medium Infantry all spear armed and including an officer, mustard standard Bearer with added cloak, these are all Gripping Beast Late Romans, with Victrix head swaps.
10 x Gripping Beast figures (with some head swaps) painted up with tan tunics, green trim and white/red shields. I need to look for some white/green white/blue transfers to get some more variety. |
Rear rank brought to the front |
Close-up on the command figures, not very clear in the photo but he standard bearer has had a Victrix cloak added, the musiciuan's horn is, I believe, from the Conquest Figures Norman set. |
There are also 5 little guys with chainmail, including a standard Bearer, painted to join an earlier group of similarly painted guys to make up numbers of another unit.
Again these guys are all Gripping Beast with head swaps, I still need to source a suitable transfer for the standard. |
Next to the Greenskins, 4 x bases of Snotlings, these are mostly old metal figures, though there is the odd plastic guy mixed in with them.
They were undercoated black with Goblin Green added as a base coat before being drybrushed with a light tan colour.
Close-up on the left of the unit, I wanted the skin tones to be significantly lighter than the Goblins and Orcs in my army, I'll now have to retro-fit this skin tone tyo my two Snotling Pump Wagon Crews - but that is for another time..... |
Skin was then given a coat of Army Painter Ghillie Green, leather / cloth with Nazdreg Yellow and wood with Gore Grunta Fur. Metal was done in Leadbeltcher Silver before mouths, teeth and other details added.
I have scored them at 1 point each as they are all about 10mm tall.
I have also painted up two Bolt Chukkas to give some long range heavy support, each with a crew of 3 goblins. These were old eBay purchases that have floundered in the loft for many years, finally ready for the tabletop.
To this is added a few Goblin odds and end infantry that I dragged from the bits and spares boxes, to add to the ranks of existing units.
5 Goblin odds and ends, painted to fill out the ranks of exiting units that have had real life casualties (well 2 were broken and 3 went AWOL!) |
Finally for this week's Greenskins are 10 more Wolf Rider, having enjoyed painting last weeks unit, it was a simple decision to paint up another unit in the same vein.
I tried to give this unit much darker wolves, this was only partially successful as the drybrushing ended up lightening a number of these beasties. |
15 x 28mm Arthurian Infantry @ 5 Pts ea 75 Points
28 x Snotlings # 1 Pt ea 28 Points
11 x Goblin Foot @ 5 Pts ea 55 Points
2 x Goblin Bolt Throwas (Artillery) @ 10 Points ea 20 Points
10 x Goblin Wolf Riders @ 10 Points ea 100 Points
TOTAL 278 Points
A great final Friday post, Mike! It's good to see more of your ARthirians, tyhey look as good as the earlier ones. As do the wolf riders, you must have a veritable army of them now! The snotlings look good too, I have never quite grasped the concept but they are quite adorable. A rather respectable 278 points for you!
Nice work. Arthurian Infantry then Greenskins is an excellent change up.