Friday, 14 March 2025

Final Fabulous Friday!

 Good morning all!

It's Friday once again, and it is the final Friday of Challenge XV. I can't fathom it's almost three months already since we started our journey through Dante's Journey through the Abyss and Paradise. It's been great thus far, and I am sure next week will bring even more fantastic contributions of all Challengers. May you all reach your targets and beyond!

For today, we have a fine final array of more great posts from the Friday Crew:

- JohnB has more violent home-build greatness;

- EdwardG drops a DBA points bomb;

- LeeH fires a parting shot;

- IanS returns with some Japanese vengeance;

- AdamW produces his usual hattrick, racing through Paradise;

- MikeW has the last of the Arthurians and still has not got enough wolfriders:

- EdwardG shows he is a man of steel;

- PeterB gives us some Bloody Angels;

- and IanS has also painted some tiny French horsemen.

It's been an honour and a pleasure to assist these gentlemen through Challenge XV. Grab a coffee and enjoy!



  1. Thankyou for all the guidance and minionisming. I shall remember you ever time I see a Belgian beer in the shops :)

  2. Martijn, thank you for shepherding our Friday Follies these past three months. My knowledge of the spirits of the Low Countries has expanded exponentially! :)
