Friday, 14 March 2025

From LeeH: 6pdr Gun with crew plus a water wagon (60 Points)

So a few weeks ago, I painted a 12pdr Gun Team, and I mentioned that I also had a 6pdr gun and crew to paint. But you may recall that I had to ‘borrow’ a crewman from the 6pdr team because Sharp Practice has a five-man crew for guns, but the packs only come with four figures. Well, now that it was time to paint the 6pdr, I was two figures down, so I bought a couple of artillery officers from Front Rank to fill the gaps. 

Actually, what I plan to do is swap back the ‘borrowed figure’ from the 12pdr crew and give each set one of the officers (shown below).

As with the earlier gun, this was fun to paint, and I look forward to doing more artillery at a later date. During Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812, the Russian army had a substantial artillery force, with estimates ranging from over 600 guns present at Borodino alone. Some sources indicate the Russians had over 2,000 artillery pieces available during the campaign compared to the French, who had approximately 1400 artillery pieces available. 

I also had time to work on another wagon, this time a 3D-printed one from Iron Gate Scenery. The large barrels are also 3D prints, this time from Debris of War. Lastly, I added a spare horse, which I think I got from Tiger Miniatures. I didn't add in the harness this time because I'm not sure whether I'll use this as shown or separate from the horse. I can always add that detail in later when I have made my mind up!

This is likely my last Friday entry as we move into the final week of the challenge. It won't be my last entry, however, as I already have two more groups of figures on my desk. I have two part-completed units of Carabineers and, if I have time, some rather angry civilians!  

Scoring: 1x28mm Gun = 10pts, 5 Crewmen = 25pts, one vehicle = 20pts and a Horse for another 5 points for a total of 60 Points. 

It has been great fun to see your Retreat from Moscow project rolling along at a steady pace, Lee! I admire your focus and determination. Russian artillery has always been considered one of their main strengths, so it is fitting that you end your regular Friday posts with another glorious gun. I also very much like the wagon! Painting is up to your ususal high standard. I remember you expressing some doubts at the beginning, as you had not been painting 28mm figures for a long time, but all your contributions have been absolutely amazing. I am looking forward to hopefully see some more next week! 



  1. More fantastic winter Russians. A really cool joint project.

  2. Fantastic. I have really enjoyed seeing these done. I don't think I would ever make winter terrain or troops myself (unless I win the lottery), so it's made it even more satisfying to see your work. Great stuff.

  3. Thank you Martijn for all your hard work on Fridays. I had a brief stint as a judge several years ago and I look back and wonder how I found the time to get anything else done. And thank you for your kind words regarding this project. I've been taking the micky out of Ray for talking me into this, but the reality is I have thoroughly enjoyed my foray into 28mm Napoleonic's.

    Now for the final push. I have just finished inking my Carabineers, so hopefully I can get the varnish done tonight and base them tomorrow. That gives me a few days clear to work on the angry/vengeful peasants. I'm already thinking about what I need to paint post-challenge to 'finish' this project...I expect its going to cost me!
