Friday, 14 March 2025

From AdamW: What did I do wrong? What do I see in him? (The contemplatives) (30 points)

 My second sphere entry this week is for the Contemplatives.  This one I, Ironically, spent a lot of time contemplating.  Until recently I was going to use one of the ACW general groups stood around the table contemplating the battle ahead.

I looked at the Sphere and found that it is 'Associated with contemplation and the souls of those who were contemplative in their earthly lives'.

So an alternative idea came to mind.  The below vignette features the unlucky(?) chap in the stocks contemplating what he has done wrong in life.

Whilst the two chaps pelt him with whatever they have in their hands, a lone female stands by watching. Maybe she is the wife of the man in the stocks, stood quietly contemplating what she did to deserve such an unlucky husband.

The chap in the stocks is from Donnington miniatures at Ancient and Modern Army supplies. The lady is a Peter pig model.  I think the other two are ships crew from Capitan Miniatures at Stonewall Figures.


4 x 15mm foot@2pts = 8pts
The contemplatives bonus = 20pts

Total 28pts 30 points

The Challenge theme this year has definitely inspired you, Adam! Another fabulous interpretation, a fun idea well executed. I really have loved your contributions, and this one is no exception. Let's round it off to 30 in honour of your creativity. Very well done!



  1. Excellent vignette. No doubt he is thinking about the two throwing things at him too.

    1. Thanks. I think those things will be the last thing on his mind.........

  2. Thanks Marijn. It was nice to take stock of where I was this week :)
