Tuesday 16 January 2018

From JeremyM - A Bunch 'o Stormtroopers (95 points)

Hi All,

So I've actually had these done for a bit but just haven't photographed them. I've been away from the hobby for the past two years finishing up a Masters and then getting Married. It surprised me when I picked up a brush again how much I had forgotten (or thought I knew).

I followed a youtube channel, Sorastor's Painting Guide, to help ease me into the process. Its a really helpful guide for the minis from Imperial Assault and I painted the first three pretty much exactly like he did but found it taking a ton of time. I modified the process when I realized I shouldn't just glop the black wash all over the mini, and applied it more selectively. Even better I recalled having a lighter coloured black from Seperate Weapon Minis, soft-body black. I found things improved and it was taking me a more reasonable amount of time right around when I was done the two scout troopers at the end.

Why on earth I chose to start back into the hobby by painting a whole wack of white mini's I'll never know. But I'm glad they are done and it inspired me to paint a whole lot of grey, and black minis (god star wars has some boring painting options). But I told myself this year my goal was to try and get Imperial Assault done and I'll stick with it. 

19 x 28mm Star Wars Imperial Assault minis



Jeremy, everyone who has ever tried to paint a stormtrooper knows it is not that easy as it looks. It is not just a load of white armor there's a lot of detail there and you've done a brilliant job of them! You can now move onto the more juicy characters of the SW universe, I for one can't waitnwhat you will make of them!


  1. Nice work on the Stormies :)

    1. Thanks glad they turned out okay, was worried a few times during the process when it looked like I dropped them in a vat of old motor oil. Thankfully the white prevailed.

  2. Terrific stuff, the more I see these clear acrylic bases the more I like them.

    1. I really struggled with how to base the figures due to the high variation of terrain in the game. For some figures its easy like the Snow Troopers or Tuskan Raiders, as I would hope they are less likely come out on a jungle tile (or maybe that needs a house rule or something). Having never used clear bases I really like them for some games like this one. That being said getting some of the figures off the original bases is going to be a colossal pain.

  3. Terrific work on these Stormtroopers Jeremy. Poor little lambs, they never hit a thing, and all that pretty armour doesn't stop a raindrop apparently. :)

  4. Love the Stormies, Jeremy!
    You did a fine job on them!
    Now you just need to crush a few rebels and space wizards! ;)

  5. Very well done on these chaps! Great to see yet another soul return to the fold.

  6. Welcome back Jeremy. Great work on the storm troopers.

  7. Great work Jeremy. While Curt is correct about the accuracy of Storm Troopers in general, I think it would be so awesome if this bunch opened fire and killed everyone involved in making commercials for Nissan...

    1. I totally agree. I mean it kinda made sense with the Nissan Rogue and Rogue One film, but now they are really just grasping at straws trying to tap into all the Star Wars goodness...terrible.

  8. Great looking storm troopers. Cheers

  9. Lovely Stormtroopers! I hope they will not miss (unlike their cinematic prototypes :))

  10. first figures back and you go for a load of white armour? Brave choice! They do look good though, finding shortcuts that suit you in painting is absolutely key to enjoying it I find.

    1. Brave....or not terribly well thought out as a back to painting starter. My decision was more or less, hey these must be easy paint white, do a wash your done. Forgetting that the wash stains everything and then if you aren't carefully reapplying the white you have to redo the wash...endless cycle of white then black.

  11. Lovely looking stormtroopers, the finish is great!
    Best Iain

  12. Wow loads of Star Wars this Challenge - these stormtroopers are great Jeremy

  13. Oof, that’s a lot of stormtroopers. I only do about four at a time!
