Sunday 1 March 2020

From Barks: Plague Marines (20 points)

I had the lurgi last week, and coincidentally started painting these Nurgle figures. I thought they'd be quick, because Nurgle is just a basecoat and a dirty wash, right? But I was wrong- they're covered in lovely detail that I felt compelled to pick out, and I kept finding new details tucked away.

I went for a yellow and black scheme, reminiscent of hazmat suits.

3x 28mm: 15 points

Skull-o-meter™: 17
Cumulative Skullz: 37

I'd like to up my points target to 1250.

MilesR: GW figures can be really fun to paint and in your hands they turn out to be little works of art, puss oozing, contagious and somewhat disgusting works of art, but art none-the-less.  Very nicely done.  GW's are bigger than 28mm so I'm tossing in 5 bonus points.  You're also getting as I type this a scrunched up nose EWWWWW reaction completely for free.  You're welcome.

All kidding aside, the painting really is superb - well done.


  1. Well done Barks! Yellow isn't the first colour of which I'd have thought of for Papa Nurgle, but it works surprisingly well.

    1. Thank you! I had the idea a year or two ago, but never got to put it into practice until now!

  2. Lovely (?) nurgle marines Barks :)

  3. Great looking Nurgle plague marines! Mine are green and wash!
    Best Iain

  4. Proper weird, in a good way 👍

  5. Nice job mate - they look great!

  6. And that is why you double check the seals on your hazmat suit. They look fantastic.

  7. Lovely work and a splendidly putrescent yellow on these.

  8. Usually one associates green with papa Nurgle, but you have now decidedly put my mind towards sickening yellow. I have painted these very same figures thus
    I know just how much detail they actually do have and am in awe of your accomplishment in doing them this fine!

    1. Thanks, Sander! I think there is a lot more potential to Nurgle than just green.

  9. Blech, and I mean that in the nicest possible way.
