Sunday 1 March 2020

From AlexS: 'The Island' for Snow Lord's Peak (50 Points)

Hello everybody! My name is Alex, I am from Russia and I present to you my most important project at this event.

The Snow Lord, wise and great, set before me the task of creating terrain worthy of his island. At first I decided that I could do it with materials that I would find in the garbage dump. But this is not worthy of a great lord! So I went to the store.

The material I bought, among other things, is patriotic.

As you understand, I was going to make the island itself, because it is such a terrain worthy of the Challenge.

Further photos will be interesting if you want to know how I did this and you want to repeat my idea. If not, you can easily ignore them.

By the way, as the Great Snow Lord ordered, I used a gun with hot glue!

I painted almost the entire island with an airbrush.

And a little literary description:

The tired traveler ascended to the top of Snow Peak.

-  Oh great lord! - he exclaimed, - I brought something worthy of you! Now, in order to survey your possessions, you can not go out in the cold, but sit in your office, drink wine, bask in the fireplace to contemplate the land that belongs to you! Will you accept my gift?

 It was an interesting experience, and I am grateful to Сurt that I did it. In the summer I will actively use this island during the pirate games - it will be called "Сurt Island" and on it we will note the movements of our troops. In addition, I hang it on the wall and will regularly watch and remember this event and all those people who took part in it. Thank you all!


Alex, this is absolutely amazing. I LOVE it. When I first wrote up your Snow Lord's Peak challenge Sarah said to me, 'You know, Alex is not just going to make a terrain piece of an aspect of the island, he's going to do something for the WHOLE thing.' As usual, she was right on the mark. 

I enjoyed seeing how your project came together and had a wonderful time popping back and forth between Sidney's drawing of the Island and your 3D rendition; looking for specific features like Millsy's Millpond, Fran's Fijord, Awdry's Atoll, etc. If one takes the time to look they're all there to be enjoyed. 

As your prize, I think it's only fitting that your upcoming island adventurers have a suitable objective for their quest, so here is Dave's excellent 'Treasure Horde' to add to your enviable collection of terrain.

Well done Alex, and thank you for such an entertaining and creative SNP submission.



  1. Super job Alex! Lovely terrain and a memento too!
    Best Iain

  2. Fabulous work Alex, as we all knew it would be. :)

  3. Alex, this is fantastic, well done

  4. Wow Alex, that's one brilliant job! Superb!

  5. The creativity of the challengers never ceases to amaze me, and you definitely are among the very best. Excellent work this!

  6. Brilliant work Alex, outstanding stuff.

  7. Absolutely brilliant Alex, an outstanding idea and execution!!

  8. Great work Alex, looks wonderful.

  9. many thanks to all for your reaction, I am happy that I managed to surprise you and cause such a reaction

  10. Super!
    One of my favourite entries.
