Sunday 1 March 2020

From EvanH - Cool for Cats (14 points)

Greetings Challengers and Challenge Fans, I've found time to paint up a couple of quick beasties to keep my hand in. Honestly, real life has such a terrible habit of intruding upon painting...!

These are Smilodons from the Acheson Creations Primaeval Designs range, one in resin (L) and the other in metal (R), and very nice they are too.

But Ev, I hear you cry, what the blue blazes are you doing with prehistoric stuff? I thought you were doing Bronzey Agey figs at the moment, not extinct animals! Well, they're not extinct in Glorantha, and they are a menace to pastoralists in the highlands of Sartar. Good for Lost World Pulp Adventures as well, now I think of it...

I based them on Warbases 60mm MDF rounds, and textured the ground with your friend and mine, Vallejo White Pumice Paste, the quickest and most effective groundwork for my money.

The base tone on the cats was Vallejo Game Colour Beasty Brown, worked up through Leather Brown, and with an added drop of GW Bleached Bone to lighten the final muscle highlights. This mix was lightened further to bring out the belly fur and ruff around the face and neck of each of these beasties. I painted and drybrushed the earth tones on the base, and finished the painting with a wash of Army Painter Strong Tone, and a blast of Dullcote.

I finished off the groundwork with some Tajima Tufts Desert Diorama Elements. My last ones as well!

No theme bonus for this submission, so I've calculated the points value at around seven apiece, since they're not as massive as my mythical monsters, but they're considerably bigger than a 28mm human. Seven points each seems a nice compromise.

Better get cracking on that Reidy's Reef submission... that boat ain't gonna sink itself!

Stay tuned!


MilesR: Two very nice cats, indeed.  I like the Acheson Creations line and have several of their figures waiting painting.  The basing is very nicely done and seems to match the cats look very well.  I've heard through many sources that the participants of this year's challenge find the locale "Reidy's Reef" to simply be the best spot of the whole damn island.  Hey that's just what I'm hearing....


  1. Lovely looking pair of big cats!
    Best Iain

  2. Fantastic primeval kitties. I totally agree about the vallejo pumice, great stuff and good value.

  3. Those are cool! Well done Evan!

  4. Splendid, and I agree with you on the Vallejo Pumice pastes.

  5. Very nice work on these mean looking kiddies Ev.

  6. Thanks for all the kind words, folks! Back to the paint bench...

  7. They look great! I’ll have to look into this range.
