Sunday 1 March 2020

From JohnS - F is for Fusileros - How I got Lost On The Iberian Peninsula (40 pts)

I am currently obsessed with the War in the Spanish Peninsula, with a trip in the planning and new armies being painted. My gentle interest in the Napoleonic Wars have been steadily increasing since my Waterloo trip in 2015 and is now manifesting as  full on miniature collecting and Spanish lessons!

As part of my British Allied contingent I have been building Spanish mid-war units and I am particularly interested in the transition uniforms when everyone had a hodge podge of bits of issued, scrounged and improvised kit, plus a lot of civilian attire too. This group of Spanish Fusileros represent the regular infantry beginning to receive British manufactured equipment but mixing it with locally sourced items.

Besides, who doesn't love a chap in a top hat. (Yes, I know they were referred to as Round Hats, just pipe down in the back and count your buttons). From the fabulous Perry brothers, these miniatures were easy to paint while at the same time difficult. I find it easy to "colour-in" uniforms that are all the same but give me choices and I get a bit lost. I ended up limiting myself to a small palette and achieved what I hope is a semi-coherent unit.

As part of the Sharpe Practice side duel and my own ABC challenge I hope you enjoy them. The 40 points from these will take me to an AHPC personal best. I can even see achieving my stated points goal as a possibility this year.

MilesR: JohnS - these look wonderful - very nicely done.  I do have so bad news for you, becoming fascinated with Napoleonics is definitely a sign of aging.  It's a well known scientific assumption that as wargamers age they become more Napoleonic in nature.  Another classic sign is hair migrating form the top of your head to your ears.  Ummm, lets move on......

40 points for you - congrats on doing your personal best!


  1. I, too, like the Spanish "ad hoc" uniforms, and these are great examples. I shall follow your example - thanks.

  2. Lovely unit and the transitional uniform does sound fascinating! Great finish!
    Best Iain

  3. They look very dapper in those top hats.

  4. Funny you should mention the link between Naps and aging Miles. My obsession really kicked into high gear after playing a game with a bunch of old grognards at Historicon a couple of years ago. Something about Chesapeake and a whiff of garlic if I recall correctly.

  5. Nice work. These will come in very useful for Sharp Practice.

  6. Great stuff indeed, it might even inspire me to dig up my own figures sometime soon...

  7. Those are great, love the hats and the blankets.
