Monday 2 March 2020

From PaulSS - Men-at-Arms In The Service of Lord Camoys (61 Points)

I'm back from my vacation and am cracking on with the Hundred Years War project with another unit of Men at Arms joining the forces of King Henry V.

The plastic figures are from the Agincourt Foot Knights set with a few components from the Agincourt Mounted Knights set to add some variety to the mix. The metal figures are from the Foot command advancing set.

The banner is from Battleflag and is that of Lord Camoys who commanded the left wing at Agincourt.

The sabot was a special order from those nice chaps at Warbases.

The colour scheme on these is rather 'samey' as I painted these in batches of four with a common palette for that group, but they will be added to the rest of the force and end up in more mixed units.

Twelve 28mm foot with a banner should be 61 points to add to my total.


Great work Paul.  The Hundred Years War always looks so breathtaking on a wargaming table, and I have great respect for those who can even figure out where to start on projects like this.  Very nice for us to be able to enjoy it vicariously through skilled hobbyists like yourself! Another 61 points for these fine men-at-arms. 
