Monday 2 March 2020

From PeteF: Old School Minifigs French Line - Bad Hats (120 points)

The Fightin' 2nd 61st

This is my 3rd and final planned 25mm Minifigs submission of this year's challenge. Way back when, as Minifigs expanded its line, they added forage caps and pokalems into the mix. These hats were  objectively ugly and should never have been allowed as part of a Napoleonic uniform. They do look a lot more comfortable than shakos though.

Bad hats, warm coats

Anglo Allied soldier's view

Unsightliness notwithstanding, greatcoated and bad hatted infantry will do very well as 2nd and third battalion types - the Marie Louises - who were unwillingly pressed into service towards the end of the Napoleonic era. These represent the 2nd battalion of the 61st line, which was engaged at Quatres Bras. On the French side I will need a total of 22 line battalions for the battle. With the addition of the 61/2 I have nine line battalions to complete (and seven or eight light).


Voltigeurs - the light company

To add to the general grubby and unkempt look of the unit I went with different great coat colours and a heavy wash. Minifigs are always a pleasure to paint - whatever the headgear.  I wasn't so sure about how they would look when painting them individually but I like them as a unit - the fightin' 2nd/61st!

24 infantry for a total of 120 points.

Marching to Quatres Bras


This is very neat, Pete - when it comes to "Old School", Minifigs are certainly classic figures, and you have done some fine work on them here, whatever the head gear. I have to confess a certain enjoyment of these "undress" sorts of caps, it's always nice to break up the endless ranks of shakos with a touch of depot reality and tough-campaign feel. 

I'll toss in a few bonus points for eyes and for the nice caps :)

Great work Pete!



  1. Lovely looking old school minifigs!
    Best Iain

  2. Nice one Pete, great to see some good Napoleonics marching onto the Challenge fields!

  3. Love to see these old minifigs getting some love. The hats don’t have the cache of a spell topped shake, but I agree they’d be more comfortable and practicable.

  4. They look like Victorian nightcaps!
