Monday 2 March 2020

From DaveD - More hit the beach - 15mm LCVP teams - 96 points

I am continuing in the 15mm WW2 “to do list” . Last year I picked up more LCVPs to add the assault wave , but I didn’t get the passengers done in enough time for my D `Day game . So it’s time to right that.

So it’s 4 full boat sections , each of 24 figures . They are pretty much full figures so going with a point a piece.

So that is 9 full LCVP’s , LCMs just need some jeeps adding in.
And here is a picture of  the US forces completed over the this challenge and the last two years - I am rearranging the storage - and working out what’s left to do - basically more basic infantry , and a few top up of existing units , and more soft skins .

Right then. Back to some buildings next I something for O’Grady's gulch.


Well, who feels like a trip to a beach now? It all seems so peaceful! 

Nice work as always Dave - beach landing stuff seems so fiddly, so I'm extra impressed with those who can pull all of this off.  Great work - and 96 points for you. 
