Monday 2 March 2020

From SamuliS: Another Daring Investigator (5 Points)

Once again I find myself in the need of a skilled balloon pilot so it's time to return to the world of Eldritch Horror and it's brave Investigators from the Cthulhu: Death May Die box. This time I have a slightly shorter trip booked with a flight from Millsy's Millipond towards Bromley's Butte to submit a slightly unorthodox take on recon troopers.

The Death May Die box is proving to be quite a handy addition as I actually don't really have that many female figures in my collection so the plentiful selection of female Investigators is really proving helpful. Again this is painted mostly with just citadel contrast paints over a two tone basecoat that had been applied with my airbrush. Skin is painted traditionally to give a bit of contrast and a focal point to the mini.

I've been travelling for work pretty much constantly for the last couple of months so painting has been quite slow as well as my ability to follow the challenge progress from other participants as well. These boardgame minis are proving to be quite a nice way to get the painting mojo back on as these are super fast to crank out and provide almost instant satisfaction.

With that out of the way it's time to prep for landing at Bromley's Butte and dig out the recon guys.

Great work Samuli - the various figures from the assorted "Eldritch Horror"-type games have been fantastic to see through the Challenge.  And I'm sure many of us can relate to the interference of daily life with our hobby ambitions - I've been struggling with a lot of work myself lately too, so I feel your pain there. 

But good on your for sticking with in, and getting another submission through.  Well done. 



  1. Love the blue of that dress. Great work Samuli :)

  2. Very nice work Samuli. Great blue.

  3. Fabulous femme fatale, Samuli.

  4. Lovely looking armed flapper!
    Best Iain

  5. 🎈Well, this Femme Fatale is gorgeous and deadly. I am sure the Balloon Service’s bartender will hear some amazing adventure stories from this gal! 🎈

  6. Dazzling blues on this lady Samuli!
