Sunday 3 January 2021

From Jez Todd: Week Two Alexandrian Macedonian Part 1- 120 points

 Dear All 

Week Two post for me as trying to make at least a single post every week. This time starting on my major project for this challenge. I like playing Basic Impetus and through different challenges have built up my range of 28mm Impetus armies - Basic Impetus is perfect as you need about 10 bases for an army. Previously I have done Hittities, Persians, Sarmogitians (pagan natives who fought against the Teutonic Knights in East Prussia / Latvia area) and last year cavalry to expand my Late Romans to give a "Justinian Byzantine" option. 

This year am doing Alexandrian Macedonian as the perfect match up for my Persians and who can create a triangle with my brother Matt's Classical Indian army. 

First up some Greek cavalry - am using Wargames Foundry figures to match with my Persians. Followed the same basing style as well. 

Next some Thracians light cavalry. 

For the sarissa armed infantry, I really like the advancing pike pose but this always creates an issue to play with when lining up. As the infantry pike will be used double deep in all games, I decided to use a single base and just remember when the back ranks are destroyed and lose the double deep bonus in the game. Also just used a 3 deep line of figures that saved a bit of cask on figures but hopefully still gives the feeling of mass .... 

Quite pleased with the result - will be another second block to follow. 


 Points wise it is 120 in total with 50 for the cav and 70 for the infantry. All the best Jez


  1. Nice looking ancients Jez. The eternal pike conundrum is a poser, but the levelled pikes look good.

  2. Lovely stuff Jezz. I really like that pike unit. I have a few for my Italian Wars collection, and while a bit of a pain they look terrific when done up. Great work!

  3. Nice cavalry, love the levelled pike block!
    Best Iain

  4. Great work on these ancients. They look superb.

  5. They all look great, I particularly like the Thracians though!
