Sunday 3 January 2021

AdamC: Adventures Landing Lighthouse (25 points)

 Welcome to 2021! Pretty much the same as 2020... For now. 

This lighthouse is from the Black Seas terrain box generously gifted to me by Will Hunter for hosting on line games. It's located on top of a hill I made from foam last spring.
I created my own paint scheme for the light house each lighthouse is supposed to have it's own look so it can be easily identified day or night to guide ships to a safe landfall.
For points I'll count the lighthouse as a 25mm figure making this entry 25 with the points for the room. 


  1. Black Seas looks like a lot of fun - nice lighthouse to guide your ships.

  2. Great looking lighthouse, well done.

  3. What a lovely gift! And you've done a great job on it Adam. A nice addition to your nautical collection.

  4. Great looking lighthouse Adam. Well done on this.

  5. Useful looking lighthouse!
    Best Iain

  6. Nice to have some scenery to go with your naval wargames. The lighthouse looks very good!
