Saturday 2 January 2021

From ScottC: Friendly Hobbits (20 points)

On a more positive hobby side, here are a couple of leftover hobbits I had kicking around from various sets.

The two on logs are Merry and pippin from the Gw metal treebeard set, Sam is from the shelob set, and the crouching hobbit is merry from the grishnahk set.

 Hobbits are wonderful to paint up, lively and earthy in color palette. One day I hope to invest in a good chunk of the Midlam Miniatures Halfling range to make a full diorama of these cheery blokes. 

These are 28mm in scale on 25mm bases for a total of 20 points. 


  1. Hobbits are like puppies - you can't help but love 'em. Great work Scott. By the sounds of all the various sets these are from, you are a true fan of the books and movies!

    1. Oh yes! Lotr was my first entry point into the hobby back when the movies came out and GW released all of the LOTR Era sets. Many moons of collecting later and I have darn near most of the range now.

  2. Leftover Hobbits ! That made me smile, sounds like something you would put in a pie, maybe its a Mordor delicacy 🤔
    Regards KenR

  3. Nicely painted hobittses - a lot of character in these little fellows.

  4. Great work on these half-sized heroes. Well done.

  5. I never thought I'd hear "leftover" and "hobbit" in the same sentence! Great work.

  6. Lovely bunch of hobbits!
    Best Iain

  7. I do have a soft spot for all things hobbit!

  8. Those hobbits are looking good!
