Friday 7 January 2022

From: PaulS -Stormcast strike (75 points)

It took a while to finally get paint to figures this year as we actually went away to see family, losing precious painting time! Anyway, better late than never (or so they say). 2021 has mostly been about terrain, so the lightbox (and the photography skills to go with it) are a little rusty and may need time to pick up again :D

This year's opening shot is a small batch of GW's new Stormcast Eternals. The proportions on these feel a lot better than the original short, very wide design. They still have the derpy death masks though, so I've been through and replaced all of these with 3d printed sallet helmets from Reptilian Overlords. I've also added lots of devotional streamers to them to give a little bit more interest. They have clearly been somewhere sunny as all the writing has faded off the scrolls ;)

Given that Stormcast are all resurrected heroes from across the realms, this seems to fit nicely into the Glorantha segment of the Outer Ring

The basing is to go with the swamp table I spent the year making.

Froma points perspective, that's 11 28mm-ish sized figures, plus the Glorantha points, making a total of 75 points iirc

From DaveD

I like how they have turned out Paul the streamers add a nice touch of extra colour too 75 points it is.


  1. Being GW products I of course have no idea what these are, but they are very nicely painted. I really like the fine details on the armour and the wonderful streamers.

  2. Great work on these models Paul and I love your swamp table too.

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting some games in on the swamps in a few weeks time

  3. Very nice Paul, fine heads you have found. Stormcast Eternals are quite big and they might have been scored as 7 point minis every now and then.

  4. I love your take on the Stormcast. The steel makes them much less gaudy compared to the usual gold they are painted with and the sallet helmets turn them into something you can take seriously. If I didn’t already have a dozen other projects on the go, I’d totally steal your idea!

  5. Nice painting and basing, Paul! :)

  6. Wow, those look great. I love how you've painted the armour.

  7. Great looking stormcast! The metalwork looks ace!
    Best Iain

  8. Love the new helmet and the very well executed and straight forward paint scheme. Love the swamp table too.

  9. It's interesting how much they change with a new helmet and colour scheme.

    1. Yeah, the head swap was a major game changer for the models. Sadly it doesn't work on fixing the old ones

  10. As someone who doesn't like the Stormcast design, those look amazing. The simple headswap makes them look 1000x better. The use of steel rather than golden armour is great too.

  11. Welcome back Paul, awesome Storm Cast figs 👍

    Regards KenR

  12. Hmm… with those new helmets they suddenly don’t look half as daft as before.
    Also aided by your excellent painting of course. Much prefer that silver colour scheme over the ‚official‘ golden one
