Friday 7 January 2022

From Peter B: More Lord of the Rings - [Vulcan to Babylon 5] (55 points)

My continuing adventures travelling among the planets starts at Vulcan this week thanks to Sarah's yacht giving me a quick shortcut last week. Therefore, my pointy eared entry of course had to be the Tolkien Hero, the stair-surfing, Mumakil dispatching, triple arrow firing elf, Legolas (yes I know these feats are film specific, but the model is based on the film likeness). As mentioned last week, these are original metal models I picked up recently.

Legolas is joined by his Fellowship companion Boromir, both dressed pre-Elven cloaks, so ready for the Mines of Moria (and that Flaming Balrog).

I used mostly GW and Coat D'arms acrylics then the base has a layer of Vallejo mud with just a light drybrush over it.

The one thing I found tricky with these models was the restriction on the pallette. As they are based on the films I felt I had to paint them the same colours. My time was therefore spent constantly referring to reference photos and mixing colours to match. (It was like painting accurate historical miniatures, although less repetitive, luckily!  ;-)  )

Continuing on my journey, humming the opening bars of Peter and the Wolf (can I get away with that as an Opera?) my operatic entry to take me to Babylon 5 is a wolf from Bad Squiddo Games that I bought mainly for games of The Silver Bayonet from Osprey, a historical skirmish game set in the Peninsular Wars that involves vampires, hobgoblins and wolves among other things.

So on to points then:

2 x 28mm Lotr models = 10 points
Vulcan Bonus = 20 points
1 x 28mm wolf = 5 points
Babylon 5 bonus = 20 points

Total points = 55 points

From Millsy

Lovely brushwork Peter! Boromir is my favourite character from both the books and the movies so it's great to see him getting some proper love and attention. Legolas look very much the part too and you've done a good job bringing him to life. 

The wolf is very nice but perhaps would benefit from a little shading in the ears and eyes? Or maybe that's just the exposure of the photo. Certainly threatening as he stands regardless.

A great 55 point haul including the bonuses. Well done mate!


  1. I'm loving all this LotR content. I've spent hours poring over the films to ensure I've painted some buckle or pouch the 'right' colour.

  2. Nice work on all of these miniatures.
    The movie accurate painting looks great.

  3. Great looking pair of lord of the Rings figures and nice wolf!
    Best Iain

  4. Lovely colours and really nicely painted

  5. The Lotr minis do look lifelike, well done! They are a nice match to the movies, something I don't usually bother. Time well spent!

  6. Thanks guys, I'm all out of LOTR for now there has been a lot on the challenge hasn't there?) My leadpile is an eclectic mix of genres so I will be showing off allsorts over the next couple of weeks

  7. Five work, Brian, seeing well painted LOTR minis always makes my day.
    Cheers, MikeP

  8. Excellent work Brian. I love working on those early metal LotR minis. Such a joy. I really like that huge wolf as well. Well done!

  9. Great job Peter, love the wolf!

  10. Excellent job matching the LotR figures to their on screen likenesses!

  11. Very well done Peter. For some reason I read Flamingo Balrog at first…

    1. Well now I want to convert a giant pink flooffy balrog. ;-)

  12. great work on those Peter

