Monday, 17 January 2022

From PeteF: I'm Not A Witch! I'm Not A Witch! Solaris (25 points)

Only time for one mini this week - going to have to increase the output to reach my Challenge XII target.

The Holy Grail is one of my favourite films and Studio Miniatures' "Medieval Mayhem" range seems to have minis quite similar to its characters.  Connie Booth (married to John Cleese for 11 ish years) played the witch and will also be remembered by Brits of a certain age for playing Polly in Fawlty Towers (and co-writing it).

It turned out she was really a witch even though she said she wasn't (hence deception for the Solaris challenge) because she weighed the same as a duck. It's a long story - perhaps the following graphic will help.

Not sure what game I'll use her for - if I have the time and the budget I'd like to field a whole SAGA Age of Magic army using the Medieval Mayhem range - with the cavalry as knights followed by squires with coconut shells - no doubt transported from the tropics by swallows. If you've never seen the film this is probably getting a bit silly.

1 x 28mm infantry = 5 points plus 20 for Solaris = 25 points

0 Squirrel Points (3 total)

0 Skulz (0 total)

And now for something completely different.

I may have to steal than Venn diagram for my next first year stats class!  Nice work on this figure, it's a fair cop all around.


  1. Very good Pete! You know, after doing some quick research online, I'm pretty sure claiming "not to be a witch" is in fact the final proof needed to prove witchcraft with intent...good representation on this figure.

  2. Very well done. Great colors! One of my favorite movies no doubt.

  3. Burn the witch! ;)

    Nice work, Pete! :)

  4. The toilet plunger hat clinches it. Brilliant.

  5. Crazy great figure. Great work.

  6. Fantastic and I love the Venn diagram!

  7. That’s clever.. had no idea that character was played Connie Booth/ Mrs. Cleese. Wow!
    Cheers, MikeP

  8. So wise in the ways of science! Love the carrot.
