Tuesday 3 January 2023

From AlanD: Fodder for Turnip28 (66 Points)

With memories of Christmas dinner still fresh, I've continued with the Turnip28 theme for my second entry. I was thinking of shoe-horning it into a bonus category - maybe High Adventure, because you'd need to be for this madness to make sense - but I think I'll keep my powder dry and integrity intact.

These miserable and chronologically confused chaps are a unit of Fodder, your basic foot (or root) sloggers in Turnip28. I did have a lot of fun putting them together, from bits and pieces of Victrix, Perry and Warlord figures, with some 3D printed pits, some Sculpey, tufts, and loads of filth.

My favourite is this poor blighter:

I chuckled a bit when I was putting him together - he's just so morose!

12 parsnip people should give my 60 points for the tally, and 60 points in the T28 side challenge. The terrain in the background isn't mine - I purchased it pre-assembled and coloured. Thanks Tamsin!

Those look gloriously bizarre, Alan! Nice job on the conversions - I've added some bonus points for all of that work.



  1. More "things" (I don't know how to name them) like those of Curt XD The most bizarre but at the same time most fascinating project in the Challenge. And great painting work!

  2. Like Scrooge you seem to be haunted by undigested bits of last night's supper! Wonderful work Allan

  3. Really dont understand the history of this game/genre but it is very intriguing and cant wait for the KS files to be sent out. Saving posts like these for inspiration! Great work

    1. Hey Kyle, the rules are free and do a great job of explaining the whacky setting:


  4. Turnips suggest a cunning plan somewhere, I suppose. anyway, I really like your veteran vegetables Alan, a very fine job!

  5. Assult Scarecrows!.. I like them. Great stuff

  6. I love these guys, Alan. Such wonderful conversions. The Parsnip Pooch is inspired. I am madly scraping muck out of my fintlocks to prepare my return volley.

  7. I'm sure these are going to be difficult to beet :-) - ok I'll get my coat!

  8. Assault scarecrows, I needed some of them on the cherry trees last year!

  9. Brilliant work, love the mud spatters. I'm planning for 3-2-1 basing as well.

  10. They look wonderfully squelchy and le miserables mate! I particularly like your sculpy rootlings and tubors :-)

  11. Yes, more root-based nonsense! Love it, nice fodder.
