Tuesday 3 January 2023

From SimonG: First Up At Last -- B&W Barons War in the Studios (40 points)

Rather delayed by a Christmas trip to Paris but finally able to be back in the painting studio and down to work on Challenge XIII which is now my third outing.  For my opening offering I've fired up the electric golf cart and we're scooting around Challenge Studios GmbH with our first stop filming in Black and White.

The subject of this 28mm vignette is Ranulf de Blondeville, 6th Earl of Chester at the Battle of Lincoln in the First Barons War in 1217.  The figures are actually FrontRank early HYW but the armour styles hadn't changed that much from the 13th century in this the earlier parts of the HYW.

Painting in black and white always causes me problems.  Ranulf was painted in a more traditional style while the two foot soldiers were zenithally highlighted and then drybrushed to bring out details.  Not sure which if either works best and I'm glad to be able to go back to colour from now on!

Anyway I like how the Challenge always makes me try new things and this is no exception -- digging through my lead pile and trying to come up with a story and some historical situation that fits is half of the fun.

My work bench is now clear and my plan of attack through the rest of the challenge is set -- materials are all arranged in one of our guest bathrooms so brushes poised let the Challenge commence!

Luckily we have several bathrooms!

The eagle eyed my note my sophisticated spraying station (aka a cardboard box!) usefully adjacent to an extractor fan -- no more smoke detector issues for me 🤪

Points wise I believe this racks up as one 28mm mounted at 10 and two foot at five each plus the 20 points challenge bonus ticks up a modest 40 towards my overall total.

That's a nice little vignette, Simon! Welcome on board for your 3rd outing!



  1. Your vignette looks great Simon, both techniques do the trick for me. Enterprising use of a spare bathroom!

    1. Thanks Peter. You can still use the facilities! And it means you’re not too long away from the painting station should the need arise 🤪

  2. Thanks Tamsin. BTW I seem to have been credited an additional 45 points prior to this my first submission. I believe these may be intended for SimonM who might be feeling short changed!

    1. Well spotted! I've corrected the spreadsheet and updated the roster tally! Thanks! :)

  3. Very Nice work I also struggle with Gray scale/black and white

    1. Thanks Adam -- with B&W all of the usual ideas kind of seem off, I tried being a bit cartoonish (i.e. heavy outlining) with the Knight and that seemed to work well -- I recall a good Wargames Illustrated article about painting in a cartoon style that I should look up again

  4. Very nice work, Simon. I'm glad the theme made you stretch a bit for a bit of fun. We were lucky enough to be in Paris this past autumn, but would love to visit during the Christmas markets (Bruges as well). Something for the bucket list.

    1. Thanks Curt -- what we loved about Paris over the holidays was how everyone was still around and enjoying a family holiday -- unlike the UK which shuts down for several days

  5. Nicely done, presumably you aren't painting in the bathrooom to save time on toilet breaks on order to keep to schedule?

    1. Thanks Kerry -- now don't go giving me any ideas! I'd need to improve the lighting at least

  6. excellent work, somewhat unexpected greyscale entry

    1. Thanks Martin -- I'm restricted by what is in the bits box, still got loads of these knights left over from my HYW project -- they are kind of chunky and a bit flat in profile (I needed to lop the head off the knight to get him to face towards his attackers!)

  7. Great stuff Simon, looks great

    1. Thanks Matt -- glad to be underway again and looking forward to seeing all the projects everyone has been working on

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks Ray -- really appreciate the positive feedback

  9. Nice vignette, Simon, and great photos too!

    1. Thanks Martijn -- the sepia tone in the photos was not intentional, just an interaction between one of my cameras and the light source! But it seemed in keeping

  10. Nice work! I like the splash of blue.

    1. Thanks Barks -- the blue is the field of de Blondeville's coat of arms so seemed apposite

  11. Lovely work on the B&W and a nice layout to the models themselves. Its an especially good job considering you havent tried it before.

    1. Thanks Byron. Some things you just do whenever the challenge comes around 🤪

  12. Great job with the heraldry on the horse!

    1. Thanks Tom -- after a very extensive HYW project I rather enjoy freehand heraldry!
