Saturday 4 February 2023

From ChrisW odds and sods [451 points]

Another trip to a couple of studios and yet another mix of genres.

Limo ride

 For this ride the mad gardener can grant us passage.

A visit to the Art house studio

So I went all abstract artsy fartsy with this, but in the end I do actually think it sort of works. Basically I grabbed 1/2 dozen Contrast paints and a spritzer, and liberally applied the paints in a random manner to the tall ans squat monster. The other four monsters were painted in a more conventional way with overlapping layers while the paints were all still wet.

Cthulhu monsters [6 large monsters][+1 skull]

The two pairs of monsters on either end are from the board game Mansions of Madness. The tall one in the center is by RAFM, a Flying Polyp, while the other squat one is a bones figure. (BTW there is a skull and skeletal torso rotting inside of it) 

Scale shot, figure does not count

Point wise not certain. These guys are at least as big as the Minotaur and bull that I posted a while back, so maybe at least 7 points each.


Dr and his patients (We all go a little mad sometimes) [7 figures]

 Figures by Statuesque miniatures, Three male and three female patients. All seem to have been experimented on at sometime (judging by the metal staples on some of their heads) 

Mad gardeners [60points for the set?][+50 skulls]

Not really certain what I am doing with these, but they are a continuation of a Flora gone bad theme that I seem to have collected. On the plus side, I believe these are the last ones that I have.

The mad gardener herself is a Pulp Figure miniature, her companion is by  Footsore, not certain about the rest. Those trees really pack a lot of skulls, 25 skulls each, insane for a non GW model! In my story line the two gardeners raise a very unhealthy crop mobile flora, The Birnum trees are active participants in the macabre activities and their offspring are also mobile and more agile. The slugs, originally a bane are now herded by pops as another method to cultivate their schemes.

Point wise I have no idea, I just kind of averaged out the figures the trees are big, the slugs smallish. Please feel free to adjust as required.

On to the fantasy studio via another limo ride.

Limo ride 

Jane will allow us to ride the limo this time.

Visit to the Fantasy Studio

Some of the earliest fantasy stories that I remember were the various Greek mythology tales.

The Gorgon sisters (& their cousin Jane & victims) [6 figures]

These are Foundry miniatures with the addition of a Reaper Bones (reaching for an arrow) figure. This is all part of a Greek mythology project that that I am slowly working on during this challenge. 

Jason and the Argonauts [25 x 28mm figures]


This was the big project for this week, 25 Foundry figures. These have been worked on for the last few weeks, for some reason I just could not stay focused on them I have 29 sailors that I am also unable to finish, maybe next week) Anyways, nothing special here just followed the pictures on the Foundry site with some variations.

Mechanical Spiders from Mars [5 x 28mm figures]

These are old Parroom Station figures that have long been OOP, but are soon to make a reappearance. I was originally going to paint them in a fairly plain manner but the opted to go crazy. (something of a  theme in this posting) They are weapons used by Rouge Noir (the purple terror) in his quest to conquer Mars, and ultimately Earth (circa 1899)

Scale shot - Rouge Noir does not count towards points

Pulp mummies [6 x 28mm figures]

Fairly certain these are Reaper metal figures, at least they resemble some reaper bones figures that I have. They came with separate heads, weapons and shields. These will soon go up against some tomb raiding adventurers in a Pulp Alley game.

Pulp Mummy rulers [2 x 28mm figures]


 Crooked dice figure on the left Reaper(?) on the right

Pulp Egyptian skeletons [25 points][+5 skulls]

Really fragile Eureka figures, these guys bend and warp just by looking at them! They are good old fashioned lead, no pewter here and I believe they were trying to get 'proper' proportions which makes the limbs very thin.

Points total this time

  • 40 points for two Limo ride
  • 40 points for two Studios
  • 280 points for 56 x 28mm foot
  •  42 points for 6 large monsters?
  • 60 points for the gardener vignette

Total of  462 points

This also means I have now done 5 blue studios. 

Skulls this week +56.  

Squirrels this time around [8]

  1. Mechanical spiders from Mars 
  2. The Gorgons
  3. Cthulhu creatures
  4. Mad gardeners and their plants
  5. Pulp mummies
  6. Pulp Egyptian skeletons
  7. Jason and the Argonauts
  8. Asylum residents

 New squirrel total 32.

 Previous squirrels

  1. Back of Beyond
  2. Mad figures (Top hat toffs and companions)
  3. Greek skeletons
  4. Sisters of Sigmar
  5. Ancient Germanic women
  6. ECW cuirassiers
  7. Monsters large
  8. Post apocalypse
  9. Tekumel Palanquin
  10. Empire Pike
  11. Jazz Band
  12. French Cuirassiers on Mars
  13. Court of Dr Koo
  14. Movie makers
  15. Gothic/movie Vampires 
  16. Gladiators
  17. Women rocket corp
  18. Supers
  19. Forest scenery
  20. Robin Hood
  21. Gorillas 
  22. Dr and his pets
  23. Nuns
  24. The flying squad 

 As always, there is so much going on in your posts it is hard to keep track. We have Egyption undead, ancient greeks, mad doctors (seems to be a theme given Squirrels number 13 and 22, do you have an issue with health care professionals?), gorgons, gribbly beasts and strange flora. I love the purple mechanical spiders, they look hi-tech and creepy at the same time.

I am scoring the Cthulu Monsters and the skull trees as 40mm models, basically 7 points a shot. The Greeks, gorgons, Egyptians, doctor, patients, gardeners, spiders and plants as 28mm minis and the slugs as 15mm as they are pretty small. This gives you a final score of 451 Points 


  1. Another stupendous points-bomb, Chris! :)

  2. Well it keeps me off the streets & from getting in trouble. Thanks

  3. These are all, love the vibrant colours. My favourites are the mummies though, well done!

    1. Thanks, looking back at some of my older stuff they often look kind of dull, trying to tilt the balance the other way...

  4. Wow! Not sure odds & sods covers a post with so much great stuff in it. Love the colourful gribblies!

  5. Quite the collection! All good but I think the Argonauts are the stand out for me.

  6. flippin 'eck. what a fantastic post

  7. There’s a lot going on here! I’m surprisingly drawn to the psychedelic Cthulu monsters…

    1. Thanks, that's just how they get you, they draw you in then, well, they draw you in...

  8. I really like those spiders, they really pop. GeoffreyT

    1. Thank you, they had originally popped so much that I had to bring them down with Nuln oil & they are still bright.

  9. That is a pure amount of crazy for bits... and seeing the amount of squirrels going on here.. amazing work mate! My favorite though are those spiders.. the crazy colors you went with are just perfect for them! Well done mate!

    And you took the lead! Great job! Going to have to step up my game a bit to keep up with you now! :D

  10. Wonderfu,l eclectic paintbomb, Chris! I love the undead Egyptian forces and vibrant spiders the best!
