Saturday 4 February 2023

From GregB: Specialist Stormtroopers for Star Wars "Legion" (28 points)

Stormtrooper specialists for Star Wars "Legion" - figures from Fantasy Flight Games.

My second post for the day moves to the larger scale of Star Wars "Legion". These are specialist Stormtroopers, plastic models from Fantasy Flight Games' figure range. 

Some detail on the backpacks. Is that one guy carrying beers? Sure looks like it...

These figures are meant to represent a selection of enhancement options for your Stormtrooper force - there is an officer, a communications specialist, and a couple of Stormtroopers equipped with heavy weapons - a DLT-19 blaster (i.e. a "space MG34") and a DT-21 blaster (i.e. a "space Lewis gun"). Also interesting that the fellow with the DT-21 also seems to have a communications unit in his pack too.

There are also pauldrons on all of the models. With a little help from Dallas, I did some digging into what the different colours might mean, and settled on orange for the officer, white for the communications specialist, and black/dark grey pauldrons for the troopers carrying the heavy blasters.

This photo shows up the limitations in my approach to painting bright white...but hey, they'll do.

All of the blasters look impressive, but we all know what the chances of these fellows hitting the broad side of a wampa barn with any of these things is...pretty low...that said, you can't play "Star Wars" without plenty of Stormtroopers, so it is nice to have some specialists to bulk of the firepower of my Galactic Empire collection. 

"Have you seen any droids?"

Painting white is always a hassle, and the bright, clean and clear white of the Stormtroopers is an extra challenge, and a bit of a bridge too far for my painting style. It occurs to me that if I'm ever going to paint up more of these fellows - or even Clone soldiers for the Clone Wars - I'll need to lean into white base coat sprays (madness) or finally screw up the courage to try my airbrush...all problems for another day, and maybe another Painting Challenge...

Points wise, these four 40mm infantry should net me 28 points. Stay tuned for more!

With that much firepower your stormtroopers will hopefully be able to hit something, maybe even a rebel or two if you are lucky.

Painting white can be really difficult, but these figures have turned out nicely. I imagine it's hard to keep your armour looking pristine while you're out hunting rebel scum in the desert. I like the fact that you put extra effort into decoding the colours on the pauldrons, SF enthusiasts can be just as much a button counter as a historical modeler.  


  1. Love , but can they shoot ? Or course not!

    1. Thanks Dave! You never know, they might hit something by accident...

  2. You hit the mark on these guys Greg, unlike how they will shoot for you :-D

    1. Thanks Byron! Yes, they will miss - but so MANY times!

  3. May they find the droids they are looking for indeed!

    1. hahaha or even just ANY droids, right? Thanks Sander!

  4. Great looking troopers, dude! I love all the equipment detail.

    1. Thanks Dude! Yes, galactic oppression requires a fair bit of kit, it would seem.

  5. They look cool! I recommend trying Contrast Apothecary White.

    1. Thanks Barks - and there is, in fact, some Apothecary White on these, used as a recess wash, and that does do pretty well (although the thick, syrupy consistency of the "Contrast" paints continues to make me insane).

  6. They look very cool, and the black lining actually brings the white out. A very fine job!

  7. You've done a great job on these - whatever your white recipe is, it works.

  8. Nice work! Plenty of depth without looking dirty.

    1. Thanks Millsy! I figured they would not be too dirty...probably their officers would crack down on them for that!

  9. You know, I think the pack of beer goes a long way to explaining the accuracy challenges so many Stormtroopers face… at least they’re looking good whilst doing it, nice job!

    1. Hahah for sure Tom, although I expect those blasters, even if they are big, are nice and light!

  10. Very evocative of the original Sandtroopers.

    I think this set is better sculpted than the first Stormtrooper set from FFG.

    1. Thanks Dave! Yes, the Stormtroopers did seem to improve quite a bit from the originals in the box.

  11. Nice work, Greg! They look great! I can still work up to white from a black undercoat, but of all the contrast/express paints I lean hardest into the white and yellow ones. I have some stormtroopers on my desk now with the contrast paints and a squad with just layers. The express paints is so. much. easier. Also way less stressful and more enjoyable with only a little touch up and highlight needed.
