Saturday 4 February 2023

From RayR - 25mm Border family - 15 Points


We leave the sunny hills of Portugal and head for the grey rainy weather on the Border of England and Scotland for my third post of the day.
Any show I attend I always try to pick up a few figures from Col Bill's Wargaming Depot  as do the rest of the Rejects. I'm not 100%, but I think I picked these up last year at one of the Partizan shows.
These are 3 figures from Col Bill's very own Border Reiver range. They are a Border family, minus the Mum!

I do like a few civilians, so thought these would be a good addition to my Donnybrook collection. 
Now I'm not gonna paint up an army, Postie already has 25mm Border Reivers, so I don't need them.

They are beautifully caste figures and almost paint themselves!

The 3 men of the family will earn me 15 points.
Mum will turn up later in the Challenge, I'm sure of it?

Models that can paint themselves could explain those challengers who can manage scores in the 3000+ points range, but I think you may be exaggerating. These minis do look great, civilians are a fantastic way of making any miniature battlefield look more interesting. I like the natural earthy tones you have used for the figures, I doubt the folks living along the border were well off for the most part. Nice work.


  1. these are very nice and a change from the very far away (or are they just small types)

  2. Lovely stuff Ray . Need to check out BoB March’s Facebook pages he’s has some 3D Colour prints done - the ready painted figure is something that exists - not perfect by any means - but it’s a start !

  3. Nice figures and good painting, Ray! :)

  4. Great looking civilians!
    Best Iain

  5. Realy nice painting, and big enough to see. GeoffreyT

  6. Nice work Ray - good to have a break from the 2mm stuff too, I expect? They came out great.

    1. It was, I quite enjoyed not going cross eyed!

  7. “Now I’m not gonna paint up an army”, ha! We’ll see about that. In the meantime, these make a great beginning, Ray! Well done.

  8. Nice work, Ray! They are a characterful bunch!
