Saturday 4 February 2023

From GregB: Shoretroopers for Star Wars "Legion" (106 points)

Shoretrooper Squads for Star Wars "Legion" - figures from Fantasy Flight Games.

We continue with the "Star Wars" setting, and more figures for Star Wars "Legion" - here we have a detachment of Shoretroopers. They're like Stormtroopers, but they are, you know, for service near the shore - the specialist tropical climate infantry (I suppose) of the Galactic Empire. 

One of the Shoretrooper squads.

I first observed the Shoretroopers in the movie "Rogue One", and I loved them right away - and I can hardly be the only one, as these things seem to be popular! They are a very cool alternate infantry for the Galactic Empire. Given that you first see them as part of the garrison on Scarif, I suppose it might be inferred that they are a cut above the (highly theoretical) fighting quality of the average Stormtrooper. I'm not sure their actual combat performance bears that out - either as observed on Scarif, or at the remnant Imperial refinery base seen in the second season of "The Mandalorian". 

Some view of the rear detail.

In "Andor" (another amazing Star Wars series) we see them shaking down and rounding up randos as part of a general Imperial crackdown - so I suppose the Shoretrooper is just a basic trooper with tropical kit. That said, they sure look cool - I like the lines of their helmets and the colours on the armour. 

Squad leader on the left, and I used the sculpt on the right as a second-in-command for each squad.

Not only to Shoretroopers have different coloured armour, but they seem to sport a marking scheme. Almost all of them seem to have a stripe on their left shoulder pads, and then varying combinations of red, blue and even yellow lines and pauldrons to denote various ranks and specialties. For my part, I have opted to be much more limited with the markings - while I did put a red armour section on the right arms of each Shoretrooper, and I decided against the "everyone gets a stripe day" - leaving those only for the squad leaders and assistant squad leaders, and only the NCO squad leader got any blue markings. 

Trooper rocking a T-21B blaster on the left, regular grunt on the right.

Fantasy Flight Games did a great job on these sculpts, I love them. And it is kind of nuts, each box comes with a mortar and a gunner. Like - how many mortars do you need? I decided I would only paint up one for now. 

I love the poses on these sculpts - well done by FFG.

Painting these was a bit tricky, as it brought me further into the realization that GW has utterly f*cked up its "Agrax Earthshade" wash. They issued a new formulation for this beloved and endlessly useful product last year, and the new formulation suck sh!t. It is glossy as f*ck (even though there is still a separate "glossy" version - can only surmise that one finishes so glossy you can see it from space), and has lost its tinting properties. I have no idea why GW chose to (yet again) fix something that was not broken, but the fact that I had to turn to some of its new "Contrast" paints as a possible solution points to some potential motives...

DF-90 mortar and its one-person crew.

Anyway, the usually straightforward process of achieving some highlights via recess wash was distended and challenging on these models, as I ultimately had to cave and try "Skeleton Horde" (a "Contrast" paint) after finally accepting that "Agrax Earthshade" under its current formulation is just not up to the job any longer. "Skeleton Horde" was better, but still too light...anyway, more experimenting will come in time...

Another view of the mortar and gunner.

On the plus side, my Imperial forces are now considerably expanded with the addition of two squads of Shoretroopers, supported by a mortar (or, I guess, a "space mortar"). I am scouring the 3D printing sites to get some more specialists kitted out in Shoretrooper armour, as I much prefer the look of these fellows to the basic Stormtroopers. Depending on shipping time, they may appear in this edition of the Challenge...

For scoring purposes we have 13 infantry, in 40mm size - should be good for 91 points. Thanks for reading! Just one more post to go...  

I haven't tried the newest Agrax Earthshade yet and from the sound of things, I don't want to. I've been using a brown wash from Vallejo for years now as they don't seem to reformulate their paints on a whim. 

These shoretroopers look great, but I think you have under-valued their score. 13 infantry plus 1 crew served weapon nets you 106 points. 


  1. Sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations with the new Agrax, Greg! Nice job on these shore troopers! :)

  2. Oh wow, these Shore Troopers look the business, Greg! I'm with you on the new formulation on Earthshade - I have to thin it with medium every time I use it because it's waaay too opaque (muddy?) and glossy for my liking. Unlike you, I really do like many of the offerings from the Contrast range, especially their browns (I'm a big fan of their 'Aggaros Dunes', 'Skeleton Horde' and 'Snakebite Leather). Anyway, I hope you get a resupply before the end of the Challenge so we can enjoy more of your work on these!

    1. Thanks Dude! I do keep trying to find a use for Contrast paints, but I am deterred by their syrupy consistency, their uneven pigmentation, and the negative effect they seem to have on my brushes - that said, I'm sure I'll figure them out. But I sure am pissed that they f***ed up Agrax Earthshade for no reason - the hunt is on for a replacement.

  3. That's a posting you'd really be hoping for.

    1. Right? Sun, sandy beaches, and cool armour. What could go wrong?

  4. Cool shoretroopers! They came out very well. I stocked up on the “old” Agrax Earthshade when I heard about the new. You might try the strongtone or softtone washes from Army Painter as an alternative.

    1. Thanks Martijn! I'll look into that...I've heard those washes are a bit "thick", but I'll need to find something...

    2. Well, the ones in certainly are, but those are for dipping. They als sell true washes in dropper bottles, those are very thin like the GW ones.

    3. The ones in tins, should that be.

  5. These look really great - the washes look good. Hadn't realized Agrax formulation had changed - it's been my go to wash for a lot of colours/surfaces.

    1. Thanks Pete! Agrax was my go-to as well...the search is on for a replacement!

  6. Nice troopers mate. Trust GW to fix something that ain't broken! I've got half a bottle of the old Agrax left. Maybe I will start using it more sparingly.

    1. Cheers Millsy! Maybe see if some rogue scientists can re-create the old Agrax using what you have left...

  7. Guess the Shoretroopers must have some kind of special training to carry that mortar on their lonesome! Shame about the new Agrax but your results are worth the effort, they’re looking good!

    1. I bet that mortar is composed of super light, "space age" materials, so that one poor schmuck can carry it! Thanks Tom.

  8. Lovely looking Imperials! Bad news on the earthshade I've only just bought some as my old ine had run out, oh dear!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain! If you are stuck with the new stuff, the best advice I can offer is to be sure to shake the living sh*t out of it before you use it, and invest in a trusty matte spray, as whatever you touch with the new Agrax will end up pretty glossy.

  9. I really like how these turned out.

    There are a couple of neat STLs out there, one of a Shore Trooper holding a cafeteria tray and a cup of coffee, and an alternate Shore Trooper mortar man, sitting in a folding chair and holding a cocktail.

    I also picked up several bottles of the old shades before they disappeared.

    1. You were wise to stock up!
      I am indeed scouring the various 3D print purveyors for more Shoretroopers...

  10. Really like the slightly off-white armour, these look great!

    1. Thanks Dallas! Was a pain in the @ss, but turned out in the end.

  11. Nice work on the shoretroopers, Greg! I love those guys too! They look fantastic. I have been filling my old gamesworkshop pots with a custom mix of inks from Windsor Newton water based inks. Try 3 parts sepia to 1 part black or substitute but umber for sepia which is a more greenish brown. No gloss with those!

    1. Thanks Dave - I had no idea that Windsor Newton had water-based inks? That might be fun to try...
