Thursday 9 March 2023

From ByronM - Northern Lights Terrain (50 Points)

Here are three terrain pieces I designed for my MDF terrain company (Northern Lights Terrain) a while ago and then never actually got around to painting them up.  In fact I realized I designed the first two of them over 2 years ago, and only ever actually put the power plant up for sale, I never even listed the garbage bins for sale - DOH!

Anyway, here is the power plant that I designed, that is meant for use with Warhammer 40k and meant to be used as a large line of sight blocker, it is actually big enough to hide a Knight behind.  It measures in at a bit over 10" wide x 9" tall x 7" deep.

I painted it up in a green meant to match the power and telephone junction boxes that was all see scattered around cities in North America, and meant to look very industrial.  I could have gone with a standard concrete grey, but I have too much grey terrain kicking around already.

Next up is the industrial garbage bins that I did up that I am going to sell in 2 packs.  These are meant to be large bins seen at construction sites, and while a bit over sized scale wise, I did that on purpose to help block LOS in games like Spectre and Infinity. Each one is about 4"x 2"x 2".

Lastly, I have a custom piece that I made for myself for the "Chariot" racing game that I have been working on for the last few years.  Ever since seeing the new Ork 40k vehicles I wanted a reason to use them in something, and the Curt told me about a game called Charioteer that could be used for some fun racing scenarios.  That got me started on the project and I finally finished off the board for it this year.

It is meant to look like a broken up highway, and each car (Chariot) ends up in 1st through 4th place and in the inner, middle, or outer lane.  It's a very nice system that I will be adapting to fit a bit more vehicle based combat, but we have already played a few games with the rules as written and it's super fun and very cool looking with the board and cars on it.  Hope you guys like it!  It is about 18" long and 12" wide, therefore it would fold up to create a perfect 6"cube so I am claiming 1 cubes worth of points for it.

Overall I am going to call this 2.5 terrain cubes and therefore 50 points.  Feel free to adjust as you feel fits.


That's some great terrain, Byron! And a rather cheeky points claim for the "road" piece, but I'll go with it.



  1. Power station looks awesome Mr B!

  2. Great power plant, and that road gameboard is very creative!

  3. Nice terrain. The power station should look great in the centre of a table.

  4. Excellent power station nice choice of colours!
    Best Iain

  5. Man, all this stuff looks fantastic! I love the powerplant, though it's hilarious that you forgot to put the design up on your store. Nonetheless, the highlight for me is that racing board. I had the pleasure of seeing it close up and it is magnificent. I look forward to hearing how your first games on it are.

  6. Great work Byron, that power plant looks awesome. And, of course, the Warmaster would approve of it being painted green, part of his planned "Green Energy Transition" he has planned for the Imperium.

  7. All are great submissions. Wel done.

  8. Lovely terrain kits. I couldn't get my head around the design aspect of these things, so hats off to you.

  9. Great piece of terrain


  10. I like those kits very much, Byron! Especially the power plant in color and scope!

  11. Nice work, Byron! Those garbage bins look very useful.
