Thursday 9 March 2023

From LeeH - Lord Greystoke and Lord Scrope (48 Points)

This week I have two more Yorkists for Bosworth. Sir Ralph Greystoke and Sir John Scrope. Both are part of Norfolks Battle, in my OOB under the sub-command of Brackenbury whom I completed last week.

Sir Ralph de Greystoke, the 5th Lord Greystoke was born sometime before 1414, and lived well into the late seventies. He was a participant throughout the Wars of the Roses. In 1447 he sealed an indenture with Richard Neville, 5th Earl of Salisbury, and fought for the Yorkists. However, in 1459 he swore an oath of fealty to the Lancastrians at the Parliament of Devils and may have fought for the king at the Battle of Wakefield the next year, and was also on the victorious Lancastrian side at the Second Battle of St Albans in early 1461. However, he was probably absent from the Battle of Towton two months later, which led to the accession of York's eldest son King Edward IV of England. His Yorkist loyalty was transferred to Richard III and he fought at Bosworth for the King.

Sir John Scrope (Lord Scrope) of Bolton was invested as a knight before 1460 and remained a Yorkist sympathiser throughout his career. He fought for Warwick at Northampton, was injured at Towton, and also fought at Hexham. Edward IV invested him as a Kight of the Garter in 1463 and he fought in France for the crown. He fought for Richard III at Bosworth but was pardoned by Henry VII. That didn’t stop him from supporting the Yorkist pretender Lambert Simnel in 1487 when Scrope fought at the Battle of Stoke Field, the last fight of the Wars of the Roses.

I’m rapidly running out of models to paint. Indeed I placed a final top-up order with Baccus a couple of weeks ago so I can complete the last few units in my OOB. Thankfully though, I have enough figures left to complete the French contingent of Henry's army, so they should be ready for next week. Whether they end up being my final entry will entirely depend on the speed of the UK postal service!

Points Estimate
Lord Greystoke - Retinue Billmen & Archers - 48 x6mm Infantry = 24 points
Lord Scrope - Retinue Billmen & Archers - 48 x6mm Infantry = 24 points
Total 48 points

So, this Lord Greystoke was swinging between the two royal houses, rather than the trees of the jungle? That's another great pair of contingents, Lee. I'm sure if you send Pete Berry an email, he'll get that order hurried out to you so you can complete a few more contingents before the Challenge ends.



  1. Great work Lee. I hope your reinforcements arrive in time.

    1. I may add a few stragglers to my OOB over time. Minor nobles who are recorded as having been present at the battle but for whole I haven't yet allocated troops. I especially want to add in Sir Christopher Urswick of Dagenham (my home town and where I still live and work). He fought for Henry. I'll have to add a little Dagenham inspired anachronism to the base of any troops I paint for him. Maybe a Ford Capri design on Livery? Or a Female Ford worker celebrating the Equal Pay Act? Or Bobby Moore raising the World Cup 🤣

  2. Splendid additional War of the Roses troops!
    Best Iain

  3. Excellent work and background.

  4. Fantastic Lee, they look fabulous

  5. Grand work, Lee! You are doing a great job on the Baucus minis and I love the flags and color! I hope the post comes through and you get some more troops finished before spring is sprung! ;)

  6. Good work Lee! I like how you can keep the focus on this project!
