Sunday 21 January 2024

From JeremyM: 10mm Chaos Fantasy Army and Scenery (85 Points)

Our gaming group has been playing a campaign using 10mm fantasy figures and the To the Strongest Magic Ruleset You can follow along on our progress here we are nearly at the end with a 3 way tie for first and one player not too far behind. I have been playing the Chaos Warrior forces and have an army of 10mm figures mostly 3d printed from Forest Dragon and Onmioji designs. I based these forces to also play warmaster potentially, magnetized the bases and created larger unit sleds from 3d prints and some metal.

To add to my forces I’ve added some chaos warriors of Tzeentch, this was largely to reflect the pretty amazing good luck (my opponents refer to it as ‘ridiculous’) toward the end of the campaign. So here are 60 10mm chaos warriors in a blue and yellow scheme. Mostly painted using the ‘slap chop’ method which makes things go super fast at this scale.  The models were created by forest dragon and I included a couple views with them in their infantry tray with some scenery I also painted.

One unit my forces sorely lacked were chaos giants. Thankfully greenskin mini’s recently had 2 models on their patreon I subscribed two and I found another on the cults site that I shrunk down (one on the right). While they are giants at 10mm they are basically just 3 28mm figures. To be honest I should have painted their pants some different colours as they seem to blend in as multiple shades of brown…but live and learn they are ‘good enough’ to play with and that’s what counts in the end.

I’ve also completed a few extra bits to add to the unit trays to give things a bit more flavour. I’ve been eyeing Curt’s excellentlittle diorama scenes he’s made for his units for the game and felt I wanted something similar. So I based some little destroyed houses on Warmaster bases to add to my scenes. All were available from Thingiverse and had to be shrunk down a lot to fit. As much as I like the flexibility of using figures for multiple systems, we don’t really play warmaster and I think for future armies I’m going to just bite the bullet and base them en mass on bigger bases to make some nicer scenes.

Finally, I wanted to create a large base scene for my big chaos generals mounted on dragons. I created a scene shrinking some ruins from thingiverse, some dead civilians, and a couple that are even on fire which were perfect additions for my dragons! I have two dragons, one with a warrior mounted on a purple dragon and another with a wizard on a red one. I can’t legally take both so the single base should work well for now. The circle in the middle is some sheet metal cut so the magnetic dragon base will stick. The terrain including the houses above isn’t terribly extensive I guessed around 10 points at most using the suggested rules. Both dragons were painted prior to the challenge so not claiming them just the base.

60 10mm figures               60

3 28mm figures                 15

Terrain                                10


It's great to see you back with us, Jeremy! 

These 10mm Chaos models look superb. I really like the contrasting yellow cloaks of the Tzeentch warriors against their blue armour, and your new terrain inserts look ace. The Giants are wonderfully imposing and nasty (in an impressive way), but I have to say that your Dragon base is particularly magnificent. The placement of the steel center ring for magnetisation with the model is a brilliant touch. Well done!

I very much look forward to seeing all of these new additions on the table for our next game!

- Curt


  1. Wonderful base for your dragon riders. I rather like the giants as well.

  2. These figures are so nice love the colors, my fav probably the giants but it so close the build are so cool

  3. Very well done. I should try contrast colors at this scale like you did. I guess these blue-yellow lads will be my "friends" during our next big game. Scary thought!

  4. Your tables must look awesome. Love the idea of fantasy To The Strongest for really big battles.

  5. Great work Jeremy, I do like the three damaged houses.

  6. The giants and the dragons are absolutely ace. I know you were concerned about the giants all blending together but I think they really work well.

  7. What a great force! I actually like the buildings a lot too, they are suitably old world high fantasy.

  8. Change is the only constant! The Lord of Change be praised! Excellent minis. Hopefully Chaos crushes the devotees of the false Emperor

  9. Good job, a very nice unit and some great terrain!

  10. Flaming civilians! Thats just what was called for -- great work Jeremy!

  11. It is always the cheating Chaos players who have the "ridiculous" luck :)

  12. Great work on these figures Jeremy, I really like the Giants and terrain units. I hope to avoid these and your ridiculous luck on the table.

  13. I adore your fleeing civilians! Warmaster looks like such a cool game.

  14. Great set of figures, love the Giants 👍

  15. Great army additions Jeremy. Well done.

  16. Wow Jeremy! Very 1990 Chaos warrior force! I like those vibrant colors they work very well with the sculpts and the terrain bits I am a big fan of the wrecked houses on the base and really like the diorama monster base too with the magnets!
