Sunday 21 January 2024

From PeteF: Empire of Dust Starter Fleet - Maritime Section (45 points)

Onto another room in the library! Initially I was stumped for a watery subject - but digging around the Pile of Potential I remembered yet another E-Bay trap that I'd fallen into a while back.  My problem is that I can't resist a bargain even if it turns out I'm unlikely to paint the reasonably priced minis I acquire. 

These Resin ships from Mantic are for their Armada game.  The game is part of their Pannithor/Kings of War universe and has the same warring factions as Kings of War - but on a much smaller scale.

One of the factions is The Empire of Dust - undead from the desert with an Ancient Egyptian Flavour - kind of like the, ahem, Tomb Kings of the Evil Empire.

These undead have ships and this is their starter fleet.


Unwisely I decided that, being undead, they wanted black sails.  In honour of one of my gaming buddies who likes the colours I went for a magenta and turquoise with goldish accents for the ships.  The bright flourescence is supposed to be bale fyre - it didn't want to be photographed.

I've not played Armada yet. Most of, if not all, the ships are now available as stls so with ShawnD's help I should be able to complete another faction or two and try out the game.  I believe it's based on Warlord's Black Seas and is fun and fast.

I made the waves using tweezers on Sculpey bakable clay.  I was a bit apprehensive baking the resin ships with it (I was oringally going to bake without the ships. However, the clay was very sticky and uncooperative) but they came through their time in the oven just fine - and were a little pliable for a while - might be useful for some of my other resin models.  

Scoring - these are technically 2 or 3mm scale vehicles but I think model ships generally score a bit more than regular vehicles.  There is one medium, one large and one small so how about:

Small Ship: 6 points

Medium Ship: 8 points (including helmsmonster mini)

Big Ship:  11 points (including helmsmonster mini)

Bonus for Maritime Section: 20 points?

Total 45 points   

Another great entry here Pete! Loving it! Have seen these around in the local club before but haven't seen any painted, and they seem to take to paint nicely! Curious on the game play and hopefully you show us how that goes as you get more into the game and models!

Points, yeah that sounds about right. Though for future I think it would be good to know how large the bases they sit on would be, to get an accurate gauge for points. 

Also have to confer with the judges for moving Library Sections.. as normally a gift to Sarah's Library Cart is needed, but you seem to have planned this with sitting right next to the doors there. Though an offering might not go amiss if you catch the vibe ;) 

Great effort and work here!


  1. Great looking fleet of the dead, love the colours and those black sails with Anubis faces came out really nicely. I haven’t the spherical body parts to bake sculpy waves but they came out really nicely. Scale wise my 1:2400 pred dreadnoughts go on 60mm long bases and net me 2 points per hull, while Adam’s larger sailing ships have costs based on ratings. Ken’s 1:700 scale ships are a whole other level of insanity.

    1. Thanks Peter! We should probably come up with a ship system based on length rather than scale. I don't mind getting fewer points (or more) - it's all about the fun.

  2. These are lovely looking. I've always been intrigued by Mantics fleet game. Maybe I shall investigate.

    1. Thanks Peter! If it's based on Black Seas it should play quite quickly - I do enjoy the Mantic factions and I'm intrigued as to how they've introduced flyers and sea monsters.

  3. Some funky colours on some funky ships - well done.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Barks - my buddy AndrewM loves that combo so it's kind of a tribute to his taste.

  5. Man I'm looking at these and for a historical collect I'm like where to I get my hands on some of these, they are so nicely paint colors are vivid crisp and clean . really really nice entry Peter

  6. Good looking ships and nice choice of colours, Peter!

  7. Fabulous work Pete! Definitely an old school Man-O-War vibe going on.

  8. Great Maritime entry - really enjoyed seeing these.

  9. Wow, amazing work Peter. Just excellent.

  10. They look super, great details and lovely colours

  11. I really like these ships , Pete! The colors work well and nice basing on them. It is nice to see something to get the old skool man o war playes excited!
