Sunday 21 January 2024

Sunday - A last day of firsts...


Good morning on this sleepy Sunday where it seems that the sun is beginning to show a bit more after some snowy days here in the UK.

And it is a day of firsts for us as well as we have not 1, not 2, but 3 of the Sunday crew bringing in their first post of the challenge today! Coming in under the wire and before the banhammer by Curt is dropped. 

Hoping to see this as the new dawning of a Sunday tradition for the rest of the challenge as more of the crew gets their grey piles worked on and posted up for all of us to check out! 

So get ready for a wild ride of historicals in many scales, burned forests, dragons and more as the posts come out throughout the day! 



  1. We saved the best till last ... go fellow Sunday crew members! Cheers JezT

  2. Thank you Kyle! I hope you're having a nice sunny day!
