Sunday 21 January 2024

From PhilH: Learning New Skills at New Acquisitions (55 points)

Hello, sorry for the radio silence from my paint desk and on people’s posts but it’s quite a disrupted time for my family and my hobby setup isn’t what I’d like for the foreseeable. Still, I’ll at last be joining in Challenge XIV. I’ve painting as much as my schedule allows, but been very lax on the finishing and photographing. I’ll have a few posts to follow this one once I’ve staved off The Cut. 

It seems appropriate to start my journey around the Analogueville Public Library at ‘Front Desk & New Acquisitions’. Start at the front door and for a jaunty hello from the staff and all that. My new hobby acquisition since the last challenge has been an Elegoo Saturn resin printer. I’ve been incorporating resin prints into my hobby for a few years now, but finally I can industrialise production and despair at the prospect of ever painting it all. 

As with all new skills there’s a learning curve, though once I’d looked at looked at a few setups and figured out what to do about the toxic gunk, I found resin printing quite straightforward. My entry here of five Wookie Warriors for Star Wars was once of my first print runs, and I’d not quite got my exposure settings dialled in, so the details are a touch soft and the cheapo resin quite brittle. The keen eyed might spot some damages from prep and painting, and two of the seven I printed were unsalvageable once I’d pinged their weapons off.

The fur was all drybrushed, just leaving the picking out of facial details, their webbing and weapons to match the rebel troopers I did last year. The files are from the sadly now-defunct Squamous Miniatures Patreon. I love the obscenely big support weapon and Vietnam-era marines look to the webbing and helmets, a nice twist on wookies. The designer now operates as David Sheff Models (DSM) and releases via Kickstarter, I thought his Patreon was the most interesting and best value Star Wars-inspired Patreon and miss it.

Five big wookies in 40mm scale is 35 points, plus the location bonus opens my tally at 55 points. 


Wonderful to see you join us, Phil! Cutting it a little fine mate, but well worth it, and all in the spirit of these magnificent Wookie warriors who look more than ready to pull-off any daunting rescue mission. Very nice models (too bad they're not available anymore). As you say, they really take well to the 'Nam-like webbing, and your smooth brushwork really does them justice (really like the amber lenses and metallic glints from the hafts of their blades. Yes, 3d printing has a bit of a learning curve to it, but it looks like you have everything well in hand. You're now fully empowered to (like me) produce metric sh*t tonnes of stuff that you'll never manage to paint. :)  

Welcome back!!

- Curt


  1. So glad you made the cut the figures are awesome the colours are spot on geT POST, HOPEFULLY YOU'L FIND A LITTLE MORE TIME TO RELAX WITH A BRUSH

  2. Well done for getting in under the wire.

  3. great stuff, I like how you've handled all the different textures like skin, cloth and glass for the goggles

  4. Welcome back to Challenge, Phil! Very nice wookies, both prints and paints.

  5. Nice work Phil - I do like seeing wookies with blasters! Well done.

  6. Grand stuff. I tend to think acquiring a 3d printer may lead to a form of madness! Good luck!

  7. Great work Phil and great to see that you beat the deadline.


  9. Awesome, begs the question "Is a Wookie a Bear" 😆 if you know, you know

  10. Great under the wire post. The wookies are great and well done.

  11. Fantastic, Phil! I love the Spec-ops Wookies!
