Saturday 20 January 2024

From SylvainR: 28mm D&D Adventurers (60 points)

I had to paint these D&D characters because of family pressure. Let me explain.

About a year ago, my daughter and her friends, who are in high school, decided to play Dungeons and Dragons. However, they lacked someone who could be the Dungeon Master and they asked me if I could do it. I said sure, I need to show off my scenery and my miniatures. But my daughter is very creative and in no time she sculpted little characters for the party (see below). My daughter plays the Shroom-person Monk, the fun guy (get it?) on the right.

In the meantime, a few weeks ago, my son expressed an interest in playing D&D as well. I said sure, I need to show off my scenery and my miniatures. So I created what I called an "adapted" version of the rules, so he can fully understand what is going on (he was born with cerebral palsy) and is fully capable of interacting with the game.

And then, a few days ago, my wife said she would like to invite some of her friends and play D&D, since I was "so good" at animating games for our daughter's group of friends. I said sure, I need to show off my scenery and my miniatures. So this week I had to paint a party for D&D with half the characters being female.

Fortunately for me, in a recent miniatures "exchange", I got from JeremyM a box full of 28mm fantasy heroes and monsters. That is way more that he got from me and I am still very thankful for this amazing loot. Miniatures really bring a great visual impact on a game of D&D. By the way, I still have 6 identical boxes full of 6mm armies to "re-organize".

First, I painted a fighter and a cleric. Boy was I rusty! I've been painting almost exclusively 6mm stuff for quite some time. If I had painted some 28mm monsters a few months ago, I haven't painted flesh on a humanoid in the last 8 years. My son wanted to be a fighter, and I should have painted his figurine last instead of first to do a better job. Oh well, a painted mini is a painted mini. On the cleric dwarf, I find hilarious the fact that he's carrying an anvil as his travel gear. All the 8 figurines are from Reaper, I think.

A rogue halfling and a magic user, I like how the clothes turned out on the young wizard as I was re-learning forgotten techniques.

A barbarian fighter and a woman Paladin. I made her with grey hair, I'll have to remind my wife there is no connection between the game and real life...

A druid and a bard. At this point, I was feeling a lot more confident and started to really enjoy painting these figurines. It was a nice break from applying color to hundreds of tiny horsies at 6mm or uniforms/camo patterns that had to be of an exact color. Here I could improvise, experiment and let my imagination go wild. A very nice break. Thanks family!

There might be more D&D figurines from me before the end of the challenge. It all depends on family pressure :-).

Points claimed:

8x 28mm foot figurines at 5 points each = 40 points

Fantasy Stack bonus = 20 points

Total = 60 points

Thanks for reading!

Thanks Sylvain, this was a great read. I think it's super that you are becoming the "go to" DM for your family and friends and I have no doubt that you are staging some great games! Fantasy is certainly a fun subject for the reasons you note - you can paint stuff however you want and aren't locked into "historical" colourways - but that advantage is two-edged as "analysis paralysis" can set in. But you're showing no signs at all of that with your excellent submission here. 

As discussed you can claim the Fantasy stack bonus for this submission so 60 points for you!



  1. Nice paintwork. Also you daughters sculpts are excellent.

  2. Great story Sylvain -- what a husband/father/DM you are -- and great characterful figures as well

  3. Good job, Sylvain! Fantasy is a great way to experiment things and being graceful for self, it is enough that colours are "in region." I especially like the female paladin. Paladine? Paladiness? :)

  4. Lovely work here. I like your daughters sculpting too.

  5. Wonderful submission and great the whole family is able enjoy your terrain, plus painting.

  6. The family that slays monsters together, stays together! Excellent work Sylvain, but you need to do more 28mm figures.

  7. This is great Sylvain! I think you might find painting all of the 6mm stuff helps you with the 28mm stuff - and vice-versa. That is one of the reason my house always fills up with miniatures in different scales...

  8. Multiple d&d gaming groups just within your family is a great place to be. Great looking group of adventurers. Now you need to paint some more monsters and npcs.

  9. They will be so much fun to game with!

  10. Man nice painting all round! Arthur had also been heavily involved with DnD lately and he's painting his own minis. He hasn't sculpted anything yet though, please do compliment your daughter on our behalf with these great works of art.

  11. Great paintwork Sylvain and bonus points from me for D&D with the familt.

  12. Wow that is one decent box of metals you have there and if the figures you've just posted are anything to go by you're going to end a=up with a rather large amount of beautifully painted minis

  13. Great addition to you DnD collection 😀

  14. Nice work again, Sylvain! They turned out great! Games are great fun with family!
