Saturday 20 January 2024

From DennisC: Napoleonic Prussians 18mm (AB) (136 points)

Greetings everyone, I've decided to use the challenge to get my 18mm Prussian army done (or get close)  I've done some infantry up (32 x 2 points) then some Fusiliers (another 32 x 2 points) and some guns (2x 4 points) but most importantly was able to get them onto the table at the club last night!  Vs the French.     These are 18mm AB figures mostly, some Eureka as well I think

If the editor will allow, I was using the points above for 15mm infantry and didn't feel right using 20mm points, but as these are 18mm, I am asking if for the infantry I can claim 3 points per foot? (Minion says: sorry no, AB figures are 15mm and are scored as such)


Great looking models here Dennis, really nice work. AB models still set the standard for 15mm (yes 15mm) Napoleonics and you've done them justice with your work. The bases look really nice too. I hope they punished the French last night at the club! (I also added some labels and please be sure to at least add your own name as a label on future posts)

136 points added to your tally!



  1. Nice looking Prussians! Which rules set are you using them with?

    1. At the local club, the campaign is using Lasalle II, but I prefer Black Powder myself. I find Lasalle it gets very stalematish as cavalry cant just go in anymore, they have to stand in front of the enemy before charging.....

  2. Wow 18mm seems unusual size but impressive painting - great job and project! Cheers JezT

    1. Well I agree and the figures are larger and their website does say 18mm, so I tried to get a few more points in :) I use them on bases for 15mm games!

  3. Lovely models. Nice to see Prussians rather than French and British for once.

  4. Great looking Prussians. Does the yellow cap trim indicate Silesian landwehr? My ancient Brian is recalling a project with Airfix plastics 40+ years ago.

  5. Wonderful looking Prussians Dennis. I’m amazed you paint them based. Well done.

    1. Just the one unit, it was a test.. now they are on strips for the next post :)

    2. You're a brave soul to paint 18mm while based. I would have broken a dozen brushes in frustration trying that. Excellent work, they all look great!!

  6. Replies
    1. Yes, posted less than 12 hours after their first taste of battle.

  7. Great work Dennis - love those AB sculpts!

  8. Grand job Dennis - put em on deeper bases next time and they are 20mm 😂😂

  9. Crackin looking figures Dennis.

  10. Great work on getting them to the table so quickly!

  11. Nice work Dennis and good to see them getting some table time

  12. from shiny metal to lovely ranked files of colored figures, very nice indeed great job

  13. Aren't those AB models terrific? Great work Dennis - you've done them proud.

  14. Smashing job Dennis, AB figs are the business for sure 👏

  15. Very nicely done, Dennis! And their first battle too! Did they avoid the new shiny unit curse or did they crush the enemy before them?

  16. Nice work Dennis (Matt varnish) my 18mm French are looking forward to saying hello!
