Wednesday 10 January 2024

KenR : 28mm Bolognesi Garibaldi (121 points)


The remaining Infantry for the Garibaldi Project are random units I picked from the army to add a bit of colour to the force and something a bit different to paint after a sea of red.

I've used the Perrys Plastic ACW boxes to make up this unit, the uniforms aren't a million miles away and you're not exactly falling over yourself for choice in this period ! Same as my previous units 24 x 28mm figures at 5 points each plus a flag to give me another 121 points.

The Battalion was made up of about 300 Bolognese who arrived from the North of Italy with the Medici Brigade to support Garibaldi. At the end of September 1860 occupied the town of Caiazzo on the Volturno by ejecting the Bourbon forces that garrisoned it. The Vacchieri regiment arrived as reinforcement, but the following day the Bourbons counterattacked with superior forces and defeated the Garibaldini, recapturing the town.

So it's a busy week, I'm posting this on Monday and there's likely to be a third entry this week, when the painting cow is producing, milk it!


Ah, the elusive "painting cow"...Ken you are, as ever, a veritable dairy's worth of painting from said cow, as the Garibaldi project continues to move forward. Your rate of painting implies quick work, but you nonetheless continue to impress with your level of consistent quality on the figures. I also love the deep bases, and regret not doing something similar for my 28mm Franco-Prussian War project...

Another 121 points for you, and we stay tuned for the next latte's worth of production from the magical painting cow...



  1. First of all both Ken and Greg deserve kudos for not going for the obvious Baloney puns! Secondly they look marvellous Ken. Thirdly how you produce your work is between you and your livestock.

    1. Food related puns litter this project ! I think being a Commission painter many years ago has given me a discipline and I've got a bit of time off at the moment so I'm making the most of it !

    2. We knew you would have our backs Peter :)

  2. Wow, great use of your extra time, Ken. Lovely brushwork. These guys are the real deal, no phony baloney here! There, let the puns begin. :)

  3. Lovely paint jobs and I like your protective basing method!

    1. Cheers, something I do automatically these days 😁👍

  4. Really nice minis Ken!! Food based puns sadly aren't my fortee, but I will admit your title does sound like an interesting culinary challenge.

  5. Really nice work here the figures are great but the painting is even better, wonderful brushwork, looking forward to seeing more

    1. Many thanks, not long now unit the Project is done 👍

  6. You really can churn units out whilst maintaining a high standard Ken! Loving this project and hoping to see a big army shot at the end of the challenge

  7. Wonderful work on the entire unit. Protective basing is a great idea and definitely something I will keep in mind going forward for historical or otherwise.

  8. Excellent work Ken. Your production is phenomenal.

    1. Thanks mate, the Challenge has started right in the middle of a painting mojo burst ! Will it last 🤔

  9. As others have commented, your productivity while maintaining such a high quality is amazing. What a great varied unit, and at least they have red kepis!

    1. Cheers, I'm withdrawing from the Red slowly 😁

  10. That's another great unit Ken, good to see the collection growing so fast - will these be for a game at Partizan? I hope to make it again this year and would love to see your figures in the flesh ( Hey - just to be clear - your figures, not your figure ok :-) )

    1. I've not booked a table for Partizan yet, if I do it, it will probably be the second one 👍

  11. The quality you keep up for such quantity of output is a marvel, well done!

    1. Many thanks Jamie, when the painting mojo is on fire 🔥 just let it go !
