Monday 12 February 2024

From PeterB - A Time Traveller and another Dreadnought (90 points)

This week we start on the first floor Rotunda. With one subject left to visit, the travel section. Well, with this travelling there is only one thing to say, where we're going, we don't need roads. This traveller is of the time travelling kind of course.

I have pictured him with his travelling companion just for interest, the young lad was painted pre-challenge so I won't be claiming points for him.

I had a good delve in the garage to find something to cover the Naval category and found this French WW2 Marine from the British Model Soldier Society. Needless to say after finding him I discovered a slight error, so the category remains unticked.

So, swiftly moving on, a quick jump on Sarah's cart to travel over to the gift shop. To pay for the journey this offering from Bad Squiddo games. 

For the gift shop I present another Dreadnought. After last weeks vintage Dread, my youngest son got this brand new one for Christmas. Previously he has declared his wish to paint these things but then a change of mind meant I have ended up doing it. This new kit was a bit of a nightmare to be honest. It was so many parts, supposedly made to be adjustable but then once painted they don't anyway. The shoulder connections needed filing down so they could swivel, otherwise the dreadnought would be pointing it's gun and fist to the sky. It comes with a choice of two guns as well, I did paint both, but I suspect repeated swapping of weapons will weaken the connection.

The points

Two stack visits 2 x 20 points = 40 points

Two 28mm models 2 x 5 points = 10 points

1 trip on the cart = 20 points

Total = 70 points

Sylvain: I instantly recognized "Doc" from "Back to the future". Very good paint job on these miniatures. And the dreadnought is very impressive.

As for points, the minions discussed the "double dip" phenomena and would recommend that a single model be used for a single location, so the young lady should be used to claim points for either the "gift shop" and "cart trip". So that would bring your library bonuses down from 60 to 40 points.

However, the good news is that GW Dreadnoughts are considered 28mm vehicles at 20 points. So this would bump up your score by 15 points.

Grand total: 65 points.

Nicely done! 

Sylvain: Some amendments need to be done, as described in PeterB's comment, below. The revised total is now 90 points. Thanks for catching my mistakes!






  1. Apologies, I think we both have the points wrong. I'm not claiming a double dip for the young lady, the Dread is for the gift category. So i think it should be two stacks 40, one cart 20, two 28mm foot 10, one 28mm vehicle 20. Total 90?

  2. Nice work, I really love the Bad Squid figure. The blue dreadnought with the green glow on silly sounding (I don't know the technical term but assume that it is silly) weapon is fantastic.

  3. Nicely done Peter. Regarding the Dreadnought, you are not alone. Many hobbyists struggle with the new generation of Space Marine dreadnoughts, and I think the sculptors and designers - who generally do great work more often than not - have, in this instance overthought things with these new generation machines.

    But it looks plenty scary all painted up, so well done!

  4. Very nice- I like the simplicity of the Squiddo figure.

  5. A great looking Dreadnought and a lucky son!

  6. Great work Peter. Love the time traveller (he looks suitably maniacal). Yeah, some of the GW plastics are waaaay too overcomplicated. This one sounds mental. Some of the new 8mm Imperialis stuff is multipart when it clearly doesn't need to be. Still, you did magnificent work with it.

  7. Excellent work and love the time traveler.

  8. Great work all of it, but I really like the Dreadnought (even though I am usually not very fond of the non-floating kind). Good job!
