Monday 12 February 2024

From SanderS: More Bretonnians, the Knights Errant (60 points)


Finally I was able to finish more Bretonnians! I simply love the look of those knights on barded warhorses, but boy are they a pain to paint, they take ages to complete! My Bretonnian Army comes with a big tale behind it; both in in-game lore as in real-life backstory but for now I will need to tell you only a bit of the in-game lore. My force will comprise of two combined forces which hail from the Dukedom of Brionne. One part will be the house troops of the Duke himself (I have the character depicting him as well so it was a no-brainer to choose him as leader for the army, mainly because I like the huge axe he uses as main weapon) and the other half will consist of the forces of Louis the Baron of Montelor. It is the latter's unit of 6 knights Errant that are shown here, Louis has a blue and black checkered heraldy and so I used these colours as the base for these guys as Knights Errant are not real knights in their own right just yet. I will strife to paint my higher level knights in more individualistic liveries when I get to them. 

I do like the details on these old white metal miniatures like the banner head. The banner itself is made from copperfoil and I painted it in Louis'colours with a white rendition of his tower/ castle as emblem. 

These chaps ooze character just like pretty much every model in the old range for this army and I have still soo many figures to paint... I think I will get some more foot units done next first. I guess I have to gather some more courage to actually get cracking on more horses.  

Unless I am mistaken, these 6 mounted 28mm figures should be worth another 60 to the list. See you all next week I am sure!

Cheers Sander,

Sylvain: Nothing is more appealing to a classic wargamer than a charging knight of the old ages. Your attention to the details and your rendition of the livery ooze your passion for these figurines. I can't wait to see more of these. Keep them coming! 




  1. What a terrific unit of heavy cavalry, Sander. The blue and yellow/buff looks very sharp. May they serve you well on the tabletop!

    1. Thanks, when I have 1000 points painted I will give them a go.

  2. I really like these as you say they ooze character and really nicely painted to.

  3. Lovely work on these Knights, I like the livery combination. Obviously they don't live in a place with helmet laws.

    1. oh you are right, they are probably Americans, but in-game they wear no helmets because they are the thrillseeking, young hotheads that still need to prove themselves. In reality, they don't have them in order to distinguish them from Knights of the Realm.

  4. This is a great set of figures, and you've nailed the art of painting faces as well. Excellent work on the eyes!

    1. well thanks, I do not always manage as well as these but we keep on bettering ineself :-)

  5. Bretonnians are such a classic faction!

  6. Wonderful linework Sander -- how you got that thin line down the lance I will never know! Mine wander all over the place. The Chevron is also really well done -- great stuff!

    1. I will let you in on a little secret: I used very cheap "nail art brushes" from amazon... you know the ones people use to paint stuff on fingernails? They give perfectly straight lines after some practice

  7. Fantastic work on your Brettonians. I loved my old brettonian knights but those plastic horse tails drive nuts with how often they took damage during games.

    1. oh don't I know that!? They are horrible, but the latest kits have them integrated with ghe horses luckily.

  8. I like the faces in particular- very well done.

    1. thanks, it really helps that the models are well defined/ detailed!

  9. Absolutely great. Love the color and detail. Not even black orcs will withstand their charge. Enjoy.

    1. well I wouldn't be so sure of that, Black Orcs are pretty tough!

  10. Bretonnians are always look special in my eyes -that's a great colour combination Sander and works very well

    1. thanks, yes well I am so lucky in that I wanted a Bretonnian army back when I was playing as a teenager but was unable to afford them. Just recently I was gifted (yes you read that right) almost an entire 3000 points army with almost all the old figures...

  11. Replies
    1. yes I am happy with how that worked out too!

  12. Excellent painting, Sander! The colour combination works very well, and you have obviously paid them a lot of attention. That pays off!
