Saturday 2 March 2024

From ChrisW: A regular potpourri of stuff [172 points]


Fourth and final post for this week, it has been a good week. This week production was certainly helped by the missus being busy outside of the house thus allowing me to focus on a variety of projects. The down side of all this production is the pain in the neck that all this painting has caused. But hey, who really needs to be able to turn their neck, better to just move ones body.😫

Up first is a s scene from Chivalric romance story, a Dragon and a Knight fighting over a fair maiden, but who is the lady routing for? I ask because of the position of the lady and her expression she seems to be grinning while she watches the knight being attacked. I was given this vignette by a friend who found it in a second hand store. It sort of looks like a set from Thunderbolt Mountain, but it may just be some 'collectors' pewter set. When I got it they were all securely fastened to the base, but I was able to pry the knight off, which made painting all of them that much easier. 

Up next are 15 Pulp Figures Mud men. These are relatively new in the catalogue and to my mind are a welcome addition to my pulp collection. I have plans to do some Tales of the Gold Monkey island hopping adventures. From my very limited research of the real Mud men I tried to paint them as per images that I had found. I initially assumed that I would paint them in a mix of flesh and 'mud' but the pictures I found shows that the mud really seems to adhere to them. So I tried for a subtle approach with some shadowing and patches of flesh wash but mostly keeping the mud intact(except around the feet) The weapons were a challenge as I could not find many images of them with weapons beyond the bows and some clubs. I did find a nifty video that showed off the bows (palm trees) but any weapons that I saw were pretty rudimentary and with bark still on them, so I painted mine brown with green highlights.

Time to leave this section for now and journey to the True Crime section. In what might become the start of a new theme for me this year, I pulled out some primed Blue Moon Victorian figures and in particular one specific chap, Jack!

So, a good week that sees me reaching my target of 2000 points. Considering the rough start I had I am quite pleased to have achieved this so soon.

 So the totals

  •   17 points for Vignette of 2x 28mm foot figures + 40mm dragon?
  •   20 points for Romance section
  •   75 points for 15x Mud Men
  •   40 points for 8x Victorian foot
  •   20 points for True crime section

Total 172 points

 Squirrels this post +2

Squirrels to date [16]

  1. Hammers Slammers
  2. Ikwen alien infantry
  3. Hanuman (Alien) vehicles 
  4. New Swabian league armoured vehicles 
  5. Rats
  6. Scarabs 
  7. Mercenary Sci-fi vehicle
  8. NAC Sci-fi vehicles 
  9. Foo dog statues
  10. Terracotta warriors  
  11. NSL Bikes
  12. Generic sci fi vehicles
  13. Civilian sci-fi vehicles 
  14. Egyptian cultists  
  15. Mud Men 
  16. Ladies of the evening (and Jack)
Just loving your work in this post Chris and I apologize for the late editorial comments. First, the knight and dragon diorama is great, it has a real old-school Ral-Partha kind of vibe, I really like it. The Mud Men are also very cool, Bob Murch sculpts are always great and you've painted them really well, the masks are so bonkers and cool! The Blue Moon Victorians are awesome and obviously you've put plenty of effort into them - I always find it challenging to paint these one-off individuals and you've made them look great.

I'll concur in your points calculation!



  1. great post, love the minis.

  2. Great stuff Chris. The dragon is cute so I could see how the damsel might fall for him but my favourite are the mud men and the attention to detail with their feet in particular!

  3. Excellent mish mash of figures. I especially like the mud folk. Well done.

  4. Wonderfully selection of different figures. My neck has done well this year with breaks from the computer or painting desk for a quick limited set of therapy exercises. Gives you time to ponder your painting pallet choices too.

  5. You’ve had a huge week! The dragon vs knight piece reminds me of my copy of Chivalry and Sourcery. Really like those mud men.

  6. Fabulous work Chris! Wow. I really like the Mud Men and the Victorians. Great choice of colours.

  7. Wow what a variety, the dragon vs knight and the Victorians are my favorite with the mud people a close third

  8. I love the fight, and the colours on the mud men!

  9. that dragon vignette is just downright fabulous, love it!

  10. Lovely mixed bag of a post, excellent work!
    Best Iain

  11. I love the Princess and dragon vignette … definitely tells a story but which is the love interest? The dragon or the knight??
    I will have to check out Blue Moon as the Victorians are totally my jam
    Great post!

  12. You've certainly been busy this week Chris.
    Great work on everything, I really like the Victorian True Crime set.
