Saturday 2 March 2024

From DennisC Prussian line infantry 64 pts

Good afternoon gents, been working on a number of things as of late.. but what I've FINISHED this week is another unit of infantry for my Prussians..  32 x 15mm figures = 64pts

Last pic is everything so far, 5 infantry, 2 lights, 4 guns and 3 cavalry units.   Not a bad start as DaveD would say :)

Great to see these Prussians from you Dennis! They look great, and you've got a great starter army there. I think you could even have a game of Shako with that lot, do people still use that ruleset for 15mm Napoleonics? It was our preferred set back in the day.

Happy to add 64 points to your tally!



  1. Very impressive! They will look great on the table top.

  2. That is an impressive sight. I love laying out an army when finished. So satisfying.

  3. Wonderful looking Prussians and a very creditable force too. 'Shako' was a great set of rules, though one can't swing a bicorne without hitting a 'must have' set of Napoleonic rules...

  4. Great stuff, do like Prussians

  5. Look great and a respectable force. Well done.

  6. the army is growing nicely, these chaps will look splendid on the field

  7. Drann wie Blücher! Brilliant stuff!
