Sunday 10 March 2024

From BenitoV: German Sdkfz 250 (25 points)

It's Sunday, which means blogging day. This week I had the opportunity to finish one long-forgotten small piece of German armoury of my lead pile, that coincidentally fits well with the unintended recon theme developed this year in the Challenge: a German Sdkfz 250/1 

Around 6,600 units were produced during the war. Personally I never understood the rationale of this model. As an APC could only transport basically half squad and it was less practical than the bigger sister, the 251 model. As a recon vehicle it did not have the versatility and speed of other full wheeled vehicles, specially by road. 

The rear tracks system implied not only more production complexity but also more cost.  Summarizing, to me a waste of production resources and another headache for the guys in charge of logistics.

Despite the critics above, the 250 makes a nice addition on the table, playing as a support asset (basically a mobile HMG) for your German troops. I painted the model for late war with the 3-color cammo scheme.

With respect to the manufacturer, I have no idea. It is a block of thick resin, with very rough detail, that I acquired in a bring and buy table in my club around 2010-12 together with some 28 mm other models, many of which are still waiting to be painted. The gunner is a Warlord plastic kit that I found in my box of spare parts. 

I'm not entirely satisfied with the quality of the model and I'll very likely print another model with 3D printer next summer to replace this.

Finally,  if my maths are correct, the post today is worth 25 points: 20 for the vehicle and 5 for the gunner

 Great work here Benito. Lovely paint job on this kit here. If it is a solid lump of resin it might be one of the first gen castings from Warlords when they had so many pieces in resin. Not sure they do it as such anymore, but who knows. 3d Printing some in the future will be interesting, more so to see how different the detailing are. Good luck there. 

25pts for you here


  1. Always nice to find those long forgotten minis and get them all painted up, really nicely done Benito

  2. It might have started as a dodgy lump of resin but it painted up nicely in your hand. Enjoyed the story of its unknown origins. You made a good case for it not being the best use of resources. Nice to know it wasn’t just the Brits who built questionable AFVs. I suspect that it was a case of the production lines were up and running and redesigning and or retooling would take too long.

    1. I think the Germans rather than the British were particularly fond of making infinite variants and of overengineering their vehicles

  3. Nice painting. I always assume some sort of politics at work when looking at historically (or current) questionable choices for production.

  4. 250 might not be practical, but it has some "beauty" on it and it kind of screams WW2 German wackiness. :) I like the soft camouflage effect!

    1. On that I agree, it makes a nice addition on a table

  5. Lovely looking vehicle, painted to your usual high standard!
    Best Iain

  6. Very nice work Benito! I like the Sdkfz 250, the mini-compact IFV.

  7. Good save for a dodgy cast.
