Sunday 26 January 2020

From StuartL - Challenge Island Safari Tour.- 26th January (72 points)

Welcome back to the Challenge Island Safari Tour.
As much fun as it has been to spend time atop Snow Lord's Peak, it is time for all of us to begin the descent back down the mountain. On behalf of all the C.I.S.T.ers, I'd like to thank the Snow Lord for sharing his magnificent home with us and for eating less than half of our group. And really, what are a few gnawed off limbs in comparison to the view from up here?

Anyway, it's time we were off, so we're taking the easy route down and heading for Hawkin's Hill. The hill itself is famed for it's strange time-space distortions and people visiting it have been said to encounter time lost wanderers from a bygone age, specifically 3 years ago.

What is this? Staggering forth from the misty slopes of Hawkin's Hill, it appears to be a group of Anglo-Saxons.

Slightly disoriented from their sudden time skip, the leader explains that he and the others were recruited to take part in a re-enactment of the Battle of Fulford in 2017, but for some reason were left behind while the rest of their mates went forth to do battle with some dastardly Viking types.

After giving the anachronistic wanderers directions to a nearby C.I.S.T affiliated guest house and promising to contact them if a proposed re-enactment of Stamford Bridge ever gets off the ground, we bid these stragglers adieu.
With the peak to our left and the island behind us already explored, the tour will head West at first light to an infamous Gulch I think.


These Saxons were originally going to be part of a community project in my local gaming group. Sadly I ran out of time (or I had too many models... no, that doesn't make sense, it was definitely a time thing), so was unable to get everything done. To represent my Saxon's humble Christian roots, they are wearing quite drab tunics, with a bit of colour around some of the edges. The only bright points on them are the shields, where I have stuck to painting simple cross style patterns. They are based for Saga and I have some movement trays to use them for other systems like Hail Caesar.
The minis are all Gripping Beast plastic figures and are easy to paint up. I think I have about 200 or so of these chaps and the less armoured Dark Ages figures from the same range painted, as well as a few Vikings, so at some stage I'm going to try and get my local club to do a Stamford Bridge game.

Anyway, these 8 fellows should score me 40 points plus the 30 from Hawkin's Hill for a total of 70 points.

These are very nice. I do love Saxan shields so you get a bit of bonus there
