Friday 26 February 2021

AdamC: The Great Lady (25 Points)

 I once more call on the aid of Lady Sarah the Sorceress with another miniatures form Griping Beasts.

This is one of my favorite miniatures in set.  We see a sturdy and solid noble woman of Middle Age.  Clearly she seems share a look with my previous entry Noble Woman maybe she's her mother or aunt.  Her stance and expression is clearly suggesting that the smelly raiders get off her lawn before she gets her husbands axe and see to it herself. 
I feel this is her "formal" clothing, which is why it's so clean, she probably has something less fine for the hard work of managing an estate. 
I love her jewelry especially the keys a prized possession of any married lady in dark ages allowing access to her house and any "treasures" it might contain.  On the Subject of treasure I request I lift to the Snow Lord's Treasury.  For points our Great Lady is 5 points for a 25mm figure and another 20 from Sarah The Sorceress.  


  1. A most imposing and forthright lady Adam -- I'm sure she brooks no nonsense!

  2. Nice matron, Adam! Although perhaps nice is not the right word, I'm sure she can be very persuasive!

  3. An impressive figure with an equally impressive demeanor. I certainly would not want to be in her bad books. ... yikes 🧙‍♀️

  4. Certainly a tough looking matron!
    Best Iain

  5. Very formidable figure Adam!
