Monday 1 February 2021

From Dallas: Grenadier Wizard's Room in the Laboratory (50 points)

Now for those of you who enjoy the old school of fantasy miniatures, here's something right up your alley...

It's the Grenadier Wizard's Room from their AD&D figure range licensed by TSR, circa 1980.

And here it is in its newly painted glory. Like some of the other old-school minis I've painted for the Challenge this year, I have to admit to being the original owner of this set... much the same as the Ral Partha Cold Drake, the Wizard's Room was likely purchased at the Hobby Hunter in Brandon around 1980-81. But while it reposed peacefully in its original box (with insert) for lo these 40 years... it's now painted. So let's take a look.
First, the "Cauldron with conjured face" resting on the "Thaumaturgic circle". I counted five points for the cauldron and face.
Brazier and treasure urns. Together with the Thaumaturgic circle I collectively counted five points for these.

The Familiar Lizard! Five more points.

The Wizard his own self, seated at his desk. Looks pretty familiar to those of us working from home.

Here's his "work desk with components". I think that's supposed to be a candle on top of the skull. (Five points)

The Wizard. Certainly a bit on the small side for modern figures, he's truly 25mm. I like the pose. (Five points)

His bookshelf. Very important, this. I haven't quite figured out what the object sitting on top of the shelf is supposed to be - looks like a transistor radio??? (Five points)

Here's all the bits tucked away in their box. Honestly this Laboratory room challenge was causing me some consternation until I remembered I'd had this Wizard's Room set socked away for 40 years. I guess I could've maybe painted my new in blister Fabius Bile (that's probably only half the age of this set) but it was fun putting the brushes to this classic metal set. Fifty points altogether and on to the next room!

Stay safe!


  1. Great work on this one Dallas. I awarded a few extra bonus points just for sheer nostalgia factor, this is awesome.

  2. Awesome wizard room! Nice work!

  3. Another serious trip down memory lane Dallas. I’m amazed that you still have the box! Love the wizard.

  4. Wow,what a tremendous blast from the past and oh so apt!
    Best Iain

  5. It was fun watching you work on these in our last Zoom paint n' chat. I love that old fork-bearded wizard. Well done!

  6. Your collection has some seriously old models in it. They look excellent despite their age though.

  7. There's a blast from the past. I never had that box; I still have two or three others in the basement though.

  8. Fancy leaving these beauties unpainted for 40 years! Great work though Dallas.

  9. Lovely work! And one old skull.

  10. Some proper old figures brought to life, awesome 👌
    Regards KenR
