Monday 1 February 2021

Skull-o-meter update- Week 6!

Halfway already! The Skullz have been raining down like morbid hail. Surprising nobody, the vast majority have been from GW, with a few exceptions.

GuyB's Oathmark skellies

DrQ's chibi skull

BruceR's characterful witches

There has been jostling for the skull throne. Thirty-six Challengers have included skullz in their entries so far, with 1411 total skullz.

Click to embiggen, and check out that y-axis! Yeah!

Skull of the week:

MikeF's character-filled skull says so much with one eye!


  1. Clearly I'm not painting enough GW figures... must try harder on the skull count! Where are those boxes of loose skulls...

  2. I'm amused my pirate ship qualifies.

  3. I'm not liking the way that blue line jumps up at the end there. I'll have to get out my extra skully-y Skull Marines now.
