Monday 1 February 2021

From SanderS: Terrible Terminators (110 points)



Yeah it's been a while since I have posted but I have not been dragging my brushes. Although work and family have been a drain on hobbu time I have managed to paint up 22 Dark Angel Space Marines Terminators. Some of these have been awaiting paint for over 10 years and finally they're done (-ish). As the title of this post states: they're terrible, I really should be stripping the paint and re-do them but I just cannot bring myself to do this. They were clogging my workspacefor so long that I just pushed on and rushed it, just to get rid of them off my desk. Now when taking the pictures I noticed, I have spoiled some rust and blue colours on the feet of some of them and I will touch that up soon. 

There's several combat squads in the lot of which almost all possible generations are represented. Without further ado here are the figures and good riddance too I say! 

There's also two old white metal characters in this bunch and I like them best, there's my own Chaplain in Terminator armour, usually that's all black armour with a bone white helmet but I switched this because I thought it would fit in better with the white Deathwing armour. The blue guy is a Librarian (ergo a space marine magic user) and he's the latest addition to the force as I recently bought him off evilbay for near to nothing.

Pointswise these chaps should net me 110 points. Cheers Sander




  1. Oh very nice! I remember having some of those metal terminators

    1. Yeah me and those metal chaps go way back to the days I started playing 40k

  2. Nicely done Sander - I think we can all relate to the pleasant feeling of having something finally cleared off the painting desk! Some great figures in here, very nice work.

    1. Thanks Greg, it's a big step closer to finishing my Dark Angels army.

  3. Terrific terminators! They look great and remind me of the deathwing novel from a very long time ago, which ended up being the first novel my nephew read as he was so resistant to reading but that book hooked him in!
    Best Iain

    1. Is that the anthology? I do think all the old novels (oh and Dan Abnetts stuff) to be far better than the stuff they churn out nowadays.

  4. Oh, I think you're being far too hard on yourself Sander. They look great, and the better part is that they're done! Good job on getting them off the table and into the cabinet.

    1. Well one is oneself's greatest critic right? But thanks for your kind words ☺️

  5. They look pretty good Sander. The only terrible thing would be meeting them on table.

    1. Well yeah we can agree to that! Now where's my teleport-homer...

  6. Congratulations on clearing a large unit off your workbench. They look good, I like the inverted chaplain colours.

    1. That was a gamble that worked out pretty well even if I say so myself.

  7. I agree with Curt- I think you are being too critical of your work. The bottom line is they are painted, and painted very well too.

    1. Well that's certainly a way to look at it 😜

  8. Great looking Terminators Sander!

  9. I think they look great! I'm guessing 100 skullz?

    1. I was sorely tempted to count all the skills after reading your comment, I didn't. But the Chaplain alone must have about 30 skulls on him...

  10. Fantastic mix of eras, smashing painting.

  11. Thats a huge group of Terminators , result 👏
    Regards KenR
