Wednesday 17 February 2021

From JeremyM: Aliens in the Larder (40 points)

 So I got a bit distracted by other projects and actually jumped ahead of where I should be. More on that in some future posts. I last left the golem's haunt and was transported to the larder which I'll complete today.

After one of my earlier posts for the alien facehuggers in the pendulum chamber I had several requests for a chestburster. Not to leave my fans unsatisfied I decided the larder was the perfect spot to do an homage to one of the most iconic scenes in cinema history.

I started by dipping into my 3d print archives to find some appropriate scifi terrain. The computer, vending machine, table and chairs are all from Stoneskull Studios' partially failed kickstarter. I did get all the stl's of his files but originally he had planned on sending physical minis. I didn't feel to bad about it honestly I could tell it was a too good to be true scenario from the start and that the creator had bit off way more than he could chew. Having recently acquired a 3d printer as well made it reasonably worthwhile in the end.

The poor fellow on the table is actually a zombie mini from wargames factory's plastic set. I drilled a hole through his chest and sculpted a little chestburster out of green stuff. I was pretty happy with it but sure enough a search of thingiverse after doing all that work revealed a few 3d print options for the future.

The other minis in the background likely look familiar if you've seen any of my earlier posts. They are my 3rd copy of two modern scared civilians. Their look of horror and revulsion seemed too perfect not to include them. The base is homemade using cardboard and some mesh. I tried to capture the mix of industrial and sterile clean environments you see in the ship in the first film. 

The scene was so iconic because the actor's really didn't know what to expect. They used oysters, organs, and lots of blood from a butcher shop. It apparently smelled horrendous. After the big reveal one of the actors passed out and another left and refused to come out of his trailer. I guess sometimes acting is no replacement for real reactions.

So with this post I have 20 points for the room, 3 28mm figures for 15 points, and I think likely around 5 points of scenery for a total of 40 points. Now where to next?



  1. Super. Nicely rendered. I still harbour some jealousy towards my sister for being able to watch Alien before everyone knew what was going to happen to John Hurt.

  2. Oh man, this is fantastic Jeremy. You've composed the vignette perfectly. Bravo!

  3. yikes! I still remember watching this for the first time and it still creeps me out. Your vignette is awesome and makes me wanna play Space Hulk!

  4. Grotesque and disturbing, which I guess is what you were going for. Well done.

    1. Lol yah it seems like a strange compliment to make to some one but I totally will take it!

  5. Excellent! What a great and memorable scene!

  6. Great if disgusting vignette Jeremy!

    1. I'm starting to think that some of my minis and scenes need an 'R' rating

  7. Splendidly grotesque vignette! Nice!
    Best Iain
