Wednesday 17 February 2021

Orcs from the Orcs Lair Mark Backhouse (30 points)

 A fairly mundane posting I’m afraid but I’ve got a more exciting one next. My Analogue Painting Challenge seems to be in fits and starts. Luckily I have been painting, but the cunning nature of the dungeon means I’m saving some of my figures for later chambers of the maze!

Up next for the Orc’s Lair is a pair of old Warhammer Fantasy Regiments Orcs. I did a few of these last challenge and still had a few kicking around that needed a bit of love. Luckily you can never have too many orca so a couple more will help provide another pair of arrow magnets for my friends High Elves to target.

These funny chaps are beautifully simple plastic sculpts. I fell in love with them when WFB 3rd edition came out in about 1987 aged 9.

The 3D shields were a nice feature. The classic grinning moon has become a key feature of more recent Goblin army versions. Back in 1987 these must have been one of the first plastic shields with an embossed design. 
So a very simple 2 x 28mm figure @5 each = 10 points
Mission completed = 20 points
Total = 30 points


  1. Great job on these Oldhammer classics

  2. Sniff...I feel like I am looking at photos of an early-edition WHFB rule book...these are so nice! Well done Mark.

  3. I'm with Greg, these make me kind of misty to see again. Love the shields, though I must say I always hated that they never properly faced straight...

  4. Both the skintone and shields are awesome paintwork, lovely miniatures!

  5. Lovely looking pair of old skool orcs,pretty sure I've got a pile of them in the loft! Skin tone is ace!
    Best Iain

  6. Nicely done Mark. I have ten of the white plastic types in my old orc force. Brings back memories.

  7. Great work there Mark! Love those classic sculpts!
