Sunday 7 March 2021

For Simon: The Altar of the SnowLord

Altar of the SnowLord (brought to you by the kids of Kinsmen Park South)

Simon, I hear tell that you have a rather nasty fellow impatiently awaiting your attention. In fact, one could say he is THE nasty fellow. So, let's not keep him waiting any longer. Once he's sated with a lick of paint and a few souls, you can claim your prize.

Simon' Prize: PaulS' whacky 'Chicken King & Giant Rooster'


  1. Thanks Curt. He’s undercoated and ready to go and Baba Yaga is looking forward to meeting that Chicken fellow!

    1. Haha! Great stuff Simon. We look forward to seeing Louis Cifer soon!

  2. Looking forward to seeing what arrives. That chicken is awesome
