Sunday 7 March 2021

From SimonG: Support Elements to Finish My 10mm GSFG Cold War Soviet Army (54 points)

It's always nice to finish something and for at least one of my armies I've been able to go from beginning to end within AHPC XI. This post forms the last part of my Soviet GSFG army and comprises various support elements -- engineers and their BTR60 transport, artillery spotters in huge ACRVM 1974 tracked transports plus two 120mm mortars and crews with their MT-LB prime movers and a squad of three BRDM 2 AT-5 anti tank units with their command BRDM. 

All of the vehicles and figures are Timecast with the exception of the mortars and MT-LB which are from Red3. This is my first experience with the Red3 figures and while i very much like their vehicles I cannot say the same about the figures. Compared with the Timecast they are blob like and short on detail -- they have the feel of a 3D computer design rather than something hand modelled. They also needed more clean up than the Timecast and had some odd looking feed plugs that needed to be removed (or maybe I was clipping off detail!).

Timecast (L) vs Red3 (R)

Red3 120mm Mortar Crews

Timecast (L) vs Red3 (R)

Nice to have all of this completed and it looks very neat in it's storage awaiting my BAOR army to go up against it.

Anyway here are a few beauty shots to finish this up -- what I like about the Timecast figures is how they look better in close up macro photography then they do in real life -- you really need to zoom in to appreciate the character and detail in these tiny little fellows.

Overall I've enjoyed my first foray into 10mm scale and am already planning an Impetus ancients project using the Pendraken figures. Anyway for the moment that should be another 54 points (24 figures and 10 vehicles) as I prepare to respond to the Snow Lord's challenge for my next offering.


  1. Great looking teeny tiny cold war Soviets! I see what you mean in the comparison shot!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain, I’ll stick to the Timecast from now on 😝

  2. Wonderful work Simon. It must feel great, looking at them in their travel case, knowing they're ready to go into action. Well done!

    1. Thanks Curt, gives you a good sense of accomplishment... but you’re always thinking of more to add - must get some helicopters 😉

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Barks, good to have this lot done and move on to the British and more camouflage

  4. Great work Simon, an unusual period, not seen this one before.

    1. Thanks Ray -- there seems to be quite a resurgence of interest in the mid 1980s over the past few years with new rule sets and miniature ranges being issued, most recently the Battlegroup Northag from PSC
